Makarov owners

Amin Parker

New member
Hi everyone.

I have handled and foldled Makarov pistols from different parts of the world with different grip panels and finishes. I have never shot one.

Makarov owners seem very pleased with their pistols and i am very happy about this.

I am considering getting one for my collection. Like 90% of my guns, it will be shot, be in my carry rotation but will obviously be well cared for and loved.

I would like to hear from Makarov owners about their experiences be it positive or negative. I would also like to hear from people that own the Mak clones, as long as said clone is made exactly as the genuine article.

Thank you for your information.
Mine's an East German Mak. Very smooth, very well made. The EGs are generally considered to be the best of the bunch.

I've not shot it much, but it's been very reliable.


New member
I've been shooting 9x18 for a few years now.

Here's a P-64 and Bulgarian MAK I currently own.


The combloc guns are rock solid and range ammo is still
pretty cheap.

I can usually hit coke cans at 50ft. with the Bulgy. :)


New member
I've owned two: a Russian IJ-70 commercial model and a Bulgarian milspec. Presently, I just have the Bulgie. I sold the IJ-70 to a fellow who wanted it a lot more than I did and was willing to fork over what I considered a ridiculous amount of cash to get it.

Build quality between the two was very comparable, with a slight edge in finish going to the Russkie. Both were dead-nuts reliable and capable of quite surprising accuracy. FWIW, the huge, clunky adjustable rear sight they tacked onto the Russian Mak for import points made little or no difference, as the front remained tiny, shiney and slow to pick up.

The sights are about my only gripe really, and that's entirely subjective. For those with younger eyes it doesn't seem to be much of an issue. For the prices I paid for them, I think they were an exceptional buy in terms of value received per dollar. Relatively compact, all-steel construction, a proven robust and durable design, stellar function with ball or JHP ammo and accurate to boot. Hard to fault combo for $150, IMHO.


New member
I have two Russian Mak's, two Bulgarian's, and one E. German. The Russians have adjustable rear sights. All are great shooters and very reliable.Parts are not a problem. The E. German is the smoothest and appears to be a little better machined. Mak's were the best values out there but have almost doubled in price in the last five years.

I would avoid the Polish P 64. They are not true Mak's, and the one I had was painful to shoot due to the recoil. I got rid of it.


New member
i have two EG maks, an IJ70-18 and an IJ70-17, a bulgy, a special edition bulgy, a chinese mak, two P-83's, a p-64, and a CZ82. i think they're great. one of the EG's makes into my regular carry rotation. i never feel undergunned or worried about reliability issues. these are pretty accurate even with the tiny sights. they're fun to shoot. i say go for it, everybody ought to own atleast one.

lee n. field

New member
I have handled and foldled Makarov pistols from different parts of the world with different grip panels and finishes. I have never shot one.

Makarovs all have the same grip angle. CZ-82s, FEG PA-63s, Radom P-64s and the like aren't Makarovs, they just shoot the same ammo.

Over time I've had three, a Russian .380 and two Bulgarian milsurps. All worked fine. Sights suck, for aging eyes. I traded my last one off a month ago, more or less, to another forum member who seems to like it.


I have 2 bulgies. One came to me in a bag, just needed a new main spring to get is back together and functioning properly.

They are very reliable, they fit my hand like they were made for me.

The only issue I ever had with them was the firing pin channel can get gunked up and cause misfires. Keep it clean though and it will never fail to go bang.

Very accurate too.

I should get a couple more while I am thinking about it.


New member
Pretty much own every one,Russian,Chinese,Bulgarian,E.German.But the E.G. has the best finish and trigger hands down.Always had the same reliability and accuracy out of them all,but the Germans just know how to put a pistol together.Actually put them all away when i bought a CZ82,great sights, trigger,safety,and a 12 rnd mag


New member
I've had a couple of Maks, specifically the Russian commercial version with the double stack mag, and a Bulgarian one, in addition to a couple of the other 9x18's from eastern Europe. On the whole they're very good guns, accurate, durable, reliable, simple and all while being relatively concealable.


New member
I have a Bulgie Mak. Although it doesn't get as much range time as my Tok or XDM or CZ, I wouldn't sell it--it feels great, shoots great, is built to withstand mucho trouble. The sights are less than ideal, but I can still hit pop cans (or poc) from 15 yards.
I've had a .380acp Mak for about 10 years or so. They are a little rough around the edges but reliable as a hammer. Well made, well designed IMO. A little heavy for a carry .380acp. Good solid pistols. I wish mine was 9x18.


New member
As others said, Makarovs are solid guns, reliable, durable and accurate and you simply won't go wrong with getting one.
That being said I do like CZ82 even better :D


New member
I bought a Bulgarian Makarov PM on a fluke and immediately fell in love with it. I now have two. Mine are dead accurate, ultra reliable and smooth as butter to shoot. They just feel sooo right in my hand and despite being all steel, aren't too heavy for concealed carry. I carry mine regularly. I love the DA/SA and the decocker function. I can carry with one in the pipe and the safety either ON or OFF. It is safe to me either way, because of the initial long double action trigger pull. The second one I bought was pretty rough so I re-built the innards with a replacement kit that cost me $50. I was able to rebuild the internals with just a screw driver. Talk about simple! You could do a LOT worse that hitch your horse to a Makrov PM.

God luck,


New member
I saw on a while back 9X18 rounds cheaper than standard 9mm lugers.

I'd love to get a mak if I could find one and get it for the right price.


New member
I have a FEG PA-63 from way back and have no issues with it. Fun to shoot. Sometimes, I carry it because it's little and easily concealed.



New member
I love my Russian IJ70. I mistakenly bought a 380 instead of the Mak round but this was about 15 years ago and I was afraid that I would not be able to find and feed this foreign round. Alas, who would have know of the recent popularity of 380 and thus the lack of availability and high cost associated :confused:. Anyway, I may just buy myself a 9x18 barrel since they interchange and use the same mags......:)