Makarov News


New member
If there are some of you out there that are interested in getting a Makarov, they will hopefully be available very soon from some major distributors.

There was a posting on the Makarov forum over 2 months ago (and posted here too) that an importer, PW Arms of Redmond, WA was about to release 10,000 Bulgarian Makarovs to their distributors the next week. Well, over 2 months later, no Maks from big Makarov dealers like J&G Sales, SOG - Southern Ohio Guns and others (SOG lists them on their website but if you call them, they will tell you they are out). Gun show reports on the Makarov forum tell of a scarcity of Maks and prices going up.

I finally e-mailed PW Arms yesterday and asked them if it was true if they had gotten 10,000 Makarovs and if not, did they expect any soon?

I got a short reply from them:

"Dear Sir,

Yes, each pistol is being engraved.


That was the entire message. I assumed by "engraved" they meant each pistol is be "stamped" with "PW Arms Redmond, WA" and whatever else importers stamp on the guns.
The original information was that these are unissued Bulgarians.

So, hopefully very soon Makarovs will be plentiful once again. Prices may not be what they once were but we'll see. If you've been thinking of getting one, you will hopefully have a chance soon. I decided not to wait when this info. first came out and got an unissued military Bulgarian from, they ran out right after I got mine. It has turned out to be a great gun to go along with my EG Mak.

For more information on Makarovs, see
See the Mak FAQ and Mak Basics for good info. on these pistols.

J.R. Bob Dobbs

New member
I have 2 Bulgies, but could always use a few more if they hit the $100 mark like a few years ago. One for the car, one for the bathroom, one to bury, one to give as a gift, one for the coffee table (on a display base), etc....

I'm still dubious about the 10k mak shipment being real.


New member
Nope!!! Not interested!! I already have three Bulgarians: two milspec and an Arsenal!! So, all you people out there who want one, go do the right thing and buy that Pistolet Makarova!! :D Now, a good military Soviet or Chinese would be nice!!! ;) I already have a Norinco. :cool:


New member
I did a little diggin on the net and found a reference to PW Imports, their phone number is not a Washington phone number it is a 714 area code. Dug a little more and turns up as having the same phone number. They also import the Barnaul ammo. E-mailed and they said maybe another 30 days. To keep checking back. VaporMak (TM)

Marko II

New member
Dan's Ammo is located in Pennsylvania, just outside of Pittsburgh, but does not have a "714" area code. Dan Tobin's number is (724) 727-2648. He's the importer that supplied all of the wholesalers with the original huge shipment of surplus Bulgarian Maks a couple of years back. As far as I know, he has no association with PW Arms, other than PW being one of his customers.

Take care. Marko


New member
Sorry it was 724. Definitely NOT a Washigton prefix. The companies must be related somehow here is the contact info from Barnaul

P.W. Arms, Incorporated
8525 152nd Avenue NE
Redmond, WA 98052
Phone : 724 727 2648
Fax : 724 727 2649

The Barnaul website lists a dansammo e-mail for contact as well. Maybe Redmond is just the import location before they are sold. Don't know. Check out both sites - they are the same company.

Marko II

New member

Well knock me over with a feather. You're definitely correct about the contact info on the PW Arms website being the same as that for Dan's Ammo. I'm going to have to get the scoop from him the next time I'm at his warehouse. Learn something new every day...

Take care. Marko


New member
some news (hopefully reliable)

I emailed SOG about their $110 arsenal bulgarian mak.'s.

They said they were told to expect the next batch by the end of the month. The price will remain as posted.

I'm posting this; because, I feel indebted to TFL for providing me with so much great info (espescially about the makarov) over the past couple years. However, I will be pi$$ed if I don't get one this time, so don't all rush out and order quite yet! I need to line it up with my FFL first.. then all you guys can order yours. :D

hopefully SOG has accurate info from the importer...


New member
That's good news, I was wondering when they would finally hit the dealers. At the Makarov forum, we were speculating as to when they would finally turn up. I figured that maybe they were going to stamp all 10,000 before releasing them so one dealer wouldn't have an advantage over the others by getting theirs first. BTW, PW Imports didn't specifically confirm that they were getting 10,000 but that is the figure I mentioned to them (which came from another person who had talked to them in March), but they did not contradict it. The original information was that they were unissued Bulgarians but we shall hopefully see soon.


New member
I hope they hit the $100 mark too. I sort of doubt it, but I would like to pick up one for my mom. She recently saw mine and told me she'd finally seen a pistol that was the perfect size for her hand.

Are these the Bulgarian military or the commercial Arsenals you're talking about? If military, issued or unissued?


New member

The original info. was only that these were "unissued" which would lead me to believe that they are military. Could turn out to be anything though so we'll have to wait & see.


New member
Since I don't hold a FFL, what is a reasonable mark-up charged by and FFL holder if they go through SOG? As far as I know, SOG will only sell to FFL's.