Makarov 9X18 first shoot report


New member
I bought a Makarov 9x18 mm pistol at a gun show a couple of weeks ago. Pistol, full flap holster, two magazines, two sets of grips, lanyard, and cleaning rod. The standard package I understand, for $179.00. I have heard of them for less money, but that's the least I've ever actually seen one for.

Took it home, cleaned it a couple of times to get most of the cosmoline off it, and took it to the range a few days ago. I put 50 rounds of Fiocchi, 95 gr, FMJ throuh it. There were no malfunctions of any kind. My best 5 shot group was right at 1", shooting offhand, using a 2 hand hold, at 25 feet. The rest of my groups weren't that good, but were in the 1-2" range.

My wife wanted to shoot it, so I loaded it, told her the trigger was heavy in the D/A, but the S/A was pretty good.
Her first shot D/A was high right, the next 8 went into 2".

Seems like a good little pistol.

Eric Larsen

New member
You found a Makarov........finally! Great gun and not for the money either.
Shoot it and carry it if you want........great dependibility and durability.
Shoot well.............Eric


New member
Be Careful Cajun, Makarov's tend to multiply like rabbits. You'll start with one, like you have. Then see one at a show or on line. You could always use a spare. Next thing you know, you have joined the Makorov forum and have 5 or 6 in your collection and on the look out for that "rare" pistol.

Seriously, you have purchased a fine pistol. It will serve you well. Makes a fine carry piece. Doesn't blow your hearing if you shoot it without muffs. With the right ammo it is a respectable self defense pistol.

See you in the Makarov forums :D


New member
I bought a Bulgarian Mak a couple of months ago - my daughter now is the proud owner of it and I am looking for another one now. They do multiply, they are like tribbles.


New member
What kind?

DF, it's just the run of the mill, Bulgarian one.

Butch. I gotta watch out for this one too. My wife has been eyeing it


New member
Ahh... the lure of the makarov...
I've got a couple of them hiding back in the gun room somewhere. One is not "technically" a makarov, however its built on the same design. I've got one Bulmak and an FEG which is basically a civilian makarov with an aluminum alloy frame and push button mag release. Both pretty good shooters, although they can be alittle vicious to your hand if your hand is too big on the grip or if your grip style is not correct. I'd definitely recommend these pistols to someone wanting a nice little carry gun. Also, I'd say that I've been most impressed with the Polish Makarov, the P64. Of the makarovs I found it to have the smoothest action, along with the best working decocker, but thats just my findings. Anyone else find similiar things?


New member
What makes the Mak so great?

Noticed the loyal Mak following. The trigger seemed heavy and gritty on the polish mak and the safety was very difficult to engage. Also, the ammo is a little less popular. That being said, there must be several redeaming qualities or the gun would not be so popular.

Just thinking out loud, it is all steel which is a plus and is reliable and cheap and?


New member
The Polish P-64 is NOT a Makarov. It is a poor Polish knock off of a Walther PP. The Polish military realized their mistake and finally replaced them with the P-83 after much experimentation.

The real Makarovs (Pistole Makarova) were designed in Russia in the late 1940's and use by soviet block troops and police for over 50 years. They are a unique design consisting of some 27 individual parts (as opposed to over 45 parts in the Walther PP).

They are easy to disassemble and work on, very robust and inexpensive to purchase.
Also the Russian import ammo is very cheap and readily available over the net.

Have I missed anything?


New member
Hello123, the Mak is rugged, reliable in the extreme, surprisingly accurate, inexpensive (as are parts, mags & ammo), easy to work on, is all-steel (how much would it cost to mfgr the Mak today?) and with the 115gr JHP @ 1,000fps provides low-end 9mm performance. What's not to like? I'll admit I wasn't impressed when I first handled a Mak but once I shot one... :eek:
I now have 2 EG Maks (one is my CCW piece), 2 Bulgy Maks and am seriously considering ordering another pair of Bulgy Maks today... :D
PS- Teakwood, this is all *YOUR* fault!... ;)


New member
Have I missed anything?


Through great willpower, I stopped at 2 (EG & Bulgarian) but I have a considerable stock of spare parts I'll probably never need and various accessories.


New member
have a Bugarian Mak, would have no reason to buy another one. I bought it as a novelty, cheap pistol, cheap ammo, has lousy sights, lousy grips, and really is a underpowered caliber.. I use it as a truck gun or sometimes carry gun when in a hurry, but that's about it. When people shoot mine at the local gun range there is no stampede by others to buy one either.


New member
have a Bugarian Mak, would have no reason to buy another one. I bought it as a novelty, cheap pistol, cheap ammo, has lousy sights, lousy grips, and really is a underpowered caliber.. I use it as a truck gun or sometimes carry gun when in a hurry, but that's about it. When people shoot mine at the local gun range there is no stampede by others to buy one either.

If the grips bother you, there are a few aftermarket grips, like the Pearce grips. Makes the Mak much more comfortable to shoot, but I find the original grips fine and slimmer for carry. The sights can also be upgraded, but this is a small, defense pistol not a target gun. However, accuracy is excellent for its size and reliability is superb. I really don't know what more you want for $150 - $200.


New member
I have large hands and found the Bulgarian Mak grip just a little small. I ordered new clip bottoms from and installed them, the ones with the finger extenders. Worked wonders and cost pennies.


New member
I also have a Bulg Mak and really enjoy shooting it. Its not my carry piece but would be acceptable for same. My only gripe is with the safety lever...I'd like a wider safety lever or a ball/detent rather than wire retainer. I've gone after it with a bit of emory cloth but dare not "alter" the slide w/ a dremel


New member
My Mak is Soviet military surplus and the finish isn't as nice as some of the Bulgies that have been packed in cosmoline and unissued. I like it, though. It's my carry gun when I need deep concealment, since it's my only single-stack auto at the moment. I can't say the safety bothers me... I only use it to decock the pistol and never carry it with the safety on.