MAK-90 - yea or nay?


New member
My grampy is getting up there in years and would like to shed some of his arsenal to family members. I've fired one of his AKs years ago, and asked if he'd sell it to me. He said for $500 I get the rifle and 4 full mags.

I was trying to figure out just what in the hell it was - I hadn't seen it in a long time - but I do remember it has a thumbhole stock, much like ones I've seen on MAKs. I don't know much else about it as I haven't seen it in a few years (matching part numbers, straight/slant cut, milled or stamped, etc.)

Even if it is one of the lesser value MAKs, it has been sitting in a gun safe sans a few times it went to the range. Is $500 a reasonable price or should I keep saving for an N-PAP?


New member
Yes as long as you like it. They were imported to the US b/w 1990 and 1994. I think Norinco and Polytech were the only two makers of the Mak90. Probably won't be any more so value will continue to rise most likely. You can convert them to a AK. There selling for $750 and up on


New member
$500 is a great deal. You can not purchase these days anything like that unless it is assembled in USA. So if it is a true import it’s a great value/quality ak. I would never purchase a US made ak.


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Not trying to sound like a jerk, but along with all those MAK's....came, by the ship tons, corrosive 7.62x39 ammo.... you might check the bore.

If it is GTG ... buy it.


New member
It has a chromed bore, so it's no biggie.

$500 is a great price. If you don't like it, you can definitely turn a profit on it or trade it for an NPAP and some goodies.


New member
My uncle has one and it is still one of my favorite rifles to shoot. His has the thumb hole stock which I initially thought was dumb, but it just makes it so comfortable to shoot. I would also say go for it.


New member
It's your grandfather, he probably is a proud man and would never ask but he could probably use the money more than the firearm, regardless of value, just buy it.


New member
mak90 v. MISR-90

The MaK90 thumbhole rifles were OK, and doing a "parts count/ USA parts" modification will get you legal and more friendly AK to boot.

Watch out for the MISR 90 AK, which is a Egyptian receiver and Chinese parts. These are hit and miss on durability and reliability, and all of them look awful. The MISR came with a thumbhole stock that was about useless. Converting from thumbhole can be done, along with a parts count, but the durability and reliability could be a roll of the dice.

I wouldn't give $500 for a MISR, but would for a clean MAK.


New member
I bought one a couple of years ago from a reletive needing money for $250. He set the price. i sold it a couple of weeks later for $750 on GB. So $500 sounds like a deal to me. Mine was the milled receiver Norinco version with a scope base and rings added.
Yes! Buy it before somebody else gets the chance etc. I have only five AKs--all were imported--and a MAK 90 is one of them. You will learn quite a bit if you bother to spend time on AKfiles, the website.


New member
Update: drove 40 miles and met grampy for coffee early this morning.

Afterward, went out to his truck to inspect the weapon. Barrel is all shiny and chrome-lined, not a scratch on the wood, finish is beautiful. The serial number showed a 1994 vintage. Came home to clean it after the transfer, and I found:

A straight cut, milled receiver
A nice big "MADE IN CHINA BY NORINCO" on the side
A box grandpa handed me with the rifle, with 4 30 round mags filled with surplus steel core

Best $500 I ever spent!


New member
Well done. They are going for north of $700 these days

The MAK-90 is not as appreciated as it should be. Its the Best AK out there.

It has the thickest stamped receiver by a lot of all the AKs.

Chrome everything (piston, barrel) so no issues with corrosive (thought that is not as much a problem)

Trigger is awful but the best AK trigger out there with the dual hook.

Keep the box if its the original.

Stock Upgrade: 922r complaint: : To start with, unless you upgrade to 6 US made components, its illegal to change the stock. Not a big chance it will get snagged, but there are good ways to do it and totally avoid it as an issue.

The key is that its not an active gun unless it has a magazine in it. Don't ever put a non US made magazine in it in public.

Replacement Stock: Counts as 3 parts even though there are 4 (is the government, what can you say.) Butt stock, grip, fore stock counts as one piece.

Magazine: 3 parts, body, follower, base (not the spring does not count, this is the Government) : PMAG makes excellent AK magazines that work, I would go with 10 round as its handier. Also 20 and 30 round versions. 20 is max to me, 30 is awkward.

Deadwood makes stocks that are specific to the MAK. You do need to know if the back of the gun is slant or straight cut as they came in both.

They will finish it or you can.


New member
In a couple of years, you'll probably be able to sell if for double your money. Enjoy it while grampy is alive and kicking.