Mak 90 problems???


Staff Alumnus
I was perparing to shoot a match the other day and when the safty officer said
load and make ready i snapped a 30 round magazine into my rifle and pointed it
safely downrange and the went to charge the chamber. I pulled the bolt back and
let it slam forward (as you are supposed to) and KABOOM it went OFF. Fingers
were to where near the trigger. I have NEVER had an accidental discharge of ANY
weapon, much less a 5.56mm semiauto rifle. It did NOT continue to fire. I safed
the rifle and unloaded it and was susequently DQ'ed from the rifle match.

My mak90 has been known to double on occasion, but ONLY when I'm using a 5
round magazine.

So, what can cause this sort of malfunction?? Is the firing pin sticking?? (I
thought the 223 rifles had a spring loaded pin). Is this 'soft " primers (this is 223
55 grain venator commercial reloads) or another problem altogether??

Before I take it to the smith I'd like to have some idea of what's POSSIBLY wrong
with the gun.


Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
In an SKS that would happen if gunk is in the firing pin channel and the pin is further forward than it should be. A high primer would yield the same effect. I am under impression that Mak90 and Garand are similar in that regard (not certain though). That, to me is a compelling argument for deteachable magazines -- don't have to chamber a round on loading as with stripper clips. I keep my rifles cruiser-ready for that reason.

[This message has been edited by Oleg Volk (edited March 02, 2000).]

George Stringer

Staff Alumnus
Dr. Rob, to add to what Oleg said, it could be the firing pin sticking. Sometimes firing pin holes will peen shut a little, the firing pin could be bent or the firing pin spring could be weak or broken. There are a number of reasons a gun will slamfire and it will be process of elimination for your gunsmith. George


Staff Alumnus
Ok the Pin IS spring loaded.. and clean as far as I can tell the pin does not appear bent or the spring worn. Still, I'll take it to the smith to be certain.

Thanks guys,



New member

I've read that there is that possibility with AK and their variants. I removed the bolt from my MAK90 and push the firing pin forward. When I let go it stayed there. From the manuals I've looked at there is no spring, which pushes/pulls the firing pin back into the bolt after the hammer has struck it. I believe that the idea is as the bolt slides forward, the pin doesn't move right away and the bolt "covers" the pin.

I also faintly remember about there being a modification which will allow a spring to be inserted and only allow the pin to move forward when it is struck/pushed forward. It might be an entire replacement for the bolt.

just my quick 2 cents