Maine Deer Herd?


New member
Do you Mainer's got any deer left? I've been hearing that the herd has been pretty much decimated in the past couple winters. A couple years ago I'd see more sign than you could shake a stick at but now it seems really scarce. What do you think about the 2010 season?


New member
Last winter was ok but the previous two were horrible. Many small deer survived this past winter from what I'm seeing- the herd will need a few more years to recoupe. Just have to hunt trophy bucks in maine thats all thats left.


New member
We've got plenty of deer in the southern/populated areas of the state. However the northern population is in rough shape. But we've got plenty of coyotes!


New member
Funny this thread should be brought up. An old friend of mine that I grew up tromping through the woods of SW GA with is now the regional wildlife biologist for the state of Maine and he is one of the ones responsible for producing their annual deer report.

N.H. Yankee

New member
Here in NH the herd is in poor shape with the exception of the southern most area. I live in the Monadnock region and the deer population is low while coyotes are everywhere and the bear population is booming. The deer have been taking a beating from both winter and coyotes as well as bear. Just had a neighbor loose to goats to a bear and my 16yr old grandson had a bear come out and cross our road right in front of him.

Most deer I've seen are either yearlings or last years offspring. All I know is we had a good herd despite the winters until the coyote population went berserk.