Mailorder game? Favorite recipes?

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New member
Guys, I've lost around 105 pounds (been stalled a little while) on a low-carb diet - Which means I eat a lot of meat.*

And I've been growing a little tired of the far - I mean, steaks are all well and good, but they get old after a while. Are there any places that sell "game" type meat? Venison, etc?

And does anyone have any favorite recipes? Kill it and Grill it only goes so far.

* Hey, cholesterol's down, I'm off BP meds, etc. - Don't knock it until you try it.


New member
Congrats - you've lost more meat than I weigh in total!

To make this gun related - now you've got more space for IWB!


New member
Bogie --

My father did that diet and still goes on it for weekends. He lost a lot, but mainly becuase he ate a lot less. Try counting your calories for a week, and compare that to what you used to eat.

But if you insist, try stir-fried foods. Meat and veggies, either mexican or oriental style, depending on sauce and seasoning. Buy a wok and some good knives.

Or you could try to shoot your own game meat...

Marko Kloos

New member
Anybody who can give the man some pointers as to the acquisition of some good Roast Beast (tm), send him an email or PM.

Congrats on the weight loss, by the way....that's a lot of weight to lose. Impressive.

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