Mailed my C&R forms today


New member
I just dropped my forms in the mail today. This has been on my mind for almost a year. I'm kind of excited now. The main reason is so that I can get one of the Sistema Colts. The transfer fee alone is $25, so I figured I'd go ahead with it. I'm just a little worried about getting out of control and trying to get 1 of everything on the list!:eek:

Hopefully, I'll have it by mid December without any trouble. Any advice that you can pass along to a new cruffler would be greatly appreciated!


New member
Sent mine in last week. Put it off for over a year because I thought it had to be notarized and my JAG already thought I was crazy when I got my CMP Garand forms notarized :) We'll see who gets it first. Tops on my list is a Sistema, those Swiss K-31 rifles, and maybe an SKS or French Foreign legion semi rifle. I think there are C&R makarovs, which would be nice as well. Maybe an M1 carbine, and a M44 carbine, plus the mausers, not to mention a CZ-52 and an enfield, Oh God, there are so many!!!!!!!! I think the C&R should be $500, thirty for the license and the rest gets you a new safe to put stuff in :) LAter.


New member

You've got a Garand??? I've got my CMP forms, but need to get a certified high power event under my belt, and then some $$$. Sistema first with the C & R, then probably an M1 carbine. I'm gonna go broke...

I did pick up a Yugo Mauser recently, it's sweet! I have an East German Mak that I bought about a year ago or so. Awesome and they're on the list... I definitely recommend one. I'll let you know when mine comes in.


New member
I'm in the military, so I got the hi-power requirement waived :) I love mine, the ergonomics are great, though cleaning it is a bit difficult (well, complete strip clean anyway). I'm not much of a rifleman though, I"m mainly into pistols, but I feel much more secure with a lot of 5.56 and .30 cal guns at home than I do with pistols. I have a feeling that C&R is going to murder my credit card and generate a need to get all sorts of funny european reloading dies :D LAter.

Oh, and I got my forms through They link you to the batf site. Takes about 30 seconds to do!!