Mail Call: Knob Creek


New member
Heads up: Tonight, 8:00PM ET/PT, History Channel... Mail Call's doing an episode about the Knob Creek gun range. Presumably there'll be a fair bit of shooting footage. :D

Wolfe... (Who wishes he could be there instead of watching it on TV.)


New member
I've never said "I want that" more times in my entire life. All the while my wife was rolling her eyes at me.

I know where I'm going on vacation...

Ben Swenson

New member
I've been there five times in the past seven years.

For all you folks who have never been, make some time and go. It is an absolute blast. I took some pictures one year that you can see here.

I'm going to try to catch this Mail Call too.

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
It was already on last night at midnight. Good show, especially the footage of the night shoot! Gunny looked like a kid in a candy store :D . Definitely worth watching.

Daniel BOON

New member
R. Lee Remy

I watched that mail call lat nite; sometimes I wonder if remy is as real a marine as he claims to be? but I do like his movies....
Duty Honor Country........


New member
I think he was a DI

Drill Instructor.... but never made Master Sgt until afterwards. That being said, His part in the movie Full Metal Jacket has got to be one of the best rolls ever.