MAIG Member Craig Lowe defeated in runoff election


New member

The dynamic of the City Commission has officially been shaken up.
On Tuesday, former two-term City Commissioner Ed Braddy unseated incumbent Mayor Craig Lowe by a comfortable margin.

Come May, the City Commission will have a new leader who opposes the current commission majority's direction on the biomass contract, on transportation issues and on economic development.

In a city where registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by a margin of more than two to one, the Republican Braddy defeated the Democrat Lowe by almost 10 percent of the vote. With all 35 precincts reporting, Braddy had 7,258 votes (55 percent) to Lowe's 6,007 (45 percent).

As a 7 year former resident of Gainesville I am glad to see this clown go. It is doubly sweet that there is now one less member of MAIG to contend with.
Every day gun rights get stronger and the anti gunners get weaker!


New member
I am constrained by this forum's decorum, from saying much about FORMER Mayor Lowe, but his rabidly anti gun stance was just one of the many odious thing about him! I am SO glad to see him gone.


New member
In the area where I live there are many little towns, and we noticed that many of the mayors of these little towns belonged to MAIG. We called them and politely asked them if they were certain they wanted us to consider them to be in agreement with rabidly anti-gun New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg. Mr. Bloomberg lost a whole lot of small town Pennsylvania Mayors very quickly.