MAIG Email Trail

There have been some questions about the exact relationship between Michael Bloomberg's New York City Hall staff and his employees at Mayors Against Illegal Guns. Judicial Watch obtained over 500 pages of emails through an FOIA request, and they have it posted here [huge pdf file].

The chain of emails begins a couple of hours before the Sandy Hook shootings on December 14, 2012 and continues through January. Their intention to take control of the debate, even before the White House and Congress have had a chance to respond, is almost immediately apparent:


Page 44 has a testy exchange with Dan Gross of the Brady Campaign, in which there's a great deal of bickering over who gets to control the narrative. John Feinblatt (notice the address) tries to make peace by assuring Gross that "there will be plenty of opportunities for everyone."

It's a lot to sift through, but here's the general agenda they were hashing out:


It's a ton of stuff to read, but I'll post more if anything stands out.
It sure would be nice if the new mayor of New York City would roll a few heads over the use of city personnel, time and equipment to promote and pursue a non-city, political objective.

I'll ask the local airport to watch their radar for porcine flying objects ...


New member
It sure would be nice if the new mayor of New York City would roll a few heads over the use of city personnel, time and equipment to promote and pursue a non-city, political objective.

Whether the new Mayor pursues this on a national level like Bloomberg did remains to be seen, but it’s hard to imagine he’ll be any less harmful to freedom and gun rights. Of course apparently his first order of business is the banning of horse drawn carriages from Central Park, so who knows maybe he’s got more important issues to deal with.

Ben Towe

New member
Tom Servo said:
The chain of emails begins a couple of hours before the Sandy Hook shootings on December 14, 2012 and continues through January.

I assume (hope) you mean after, Tom?
Really interesting reading. On the one hand, I'm grateful they completely misunderstand their opponent to a shocking degree. And I'm grateful they were thoughtful enough to document all this information for us.

It should show the extent of the threat we face though. If these people were even marginally competent we would have a bigger problem than we do.
What a huge source of info... Budgets, names, organization, future strategies, etc.

I like the part where their proposed poll has "CONSIDER A "TABLE SETTING QUESTION HERE" in caps... Just in case you thought they wanted honest opinions.


New member
This is an expose of huge importance -- that will never be mentioned by the MSM.

Yes, I’m not really sure how this information will really impact the overall debate. Basically it reinforces what many 2A supporters already suspected and will probably simply be dismissed by many of the anti-gun folks.

Sadly I suspect most of the undecided out there will simply listen to what the various talking heads tell them and move on to some pop culture happening.


New member
The one thing noticeable is how quick they were planning to exploit it, how exited they were to have it (the shooting). The day of the shooting (page 7) Carney states to give grief time, discuss how to use it later. Why would that not be a given? (not a ?)

Starting the day after plans of attack go into motion on page 14. Including the use of survivors for TV adds. Not hard to see the lack of real care about the victims/families from the get go other than how useful they would be towards their agenda.
Here is a great interview with Cam Edwards on the topic:

The Judicial Watch rep points out that similar behavior may have occurred in other cities that have joined MAIG - meaning there could be as many as 800 additional opportunities to gain inside information and expose political corruption. He recommends that if your mayor is a member of MAIG that you make use of your local Freedom of Information laws to request similar information from your local government.