Mags for CZ75


New member
I dont like the way my factory 16 rd mags for my CZ 75 feed. Is it better to just replace the factroy springs or just buy new mags. and if so what company should I go with. I can get Mec-Gar mags cheap but dont know anything about them. Thanks


New member
no problem that has caused a real problem it is just that the factory mags dont seem to have strong enough springs. after i chamber a round and i try to extract the mag it wont drop free I have to pull it out (not really stuck not much pressure is needed just a little touch) the reason seems to be as the top round leaves the mag the next round is pulled just a little forward. I just wondered if I put in a stronger mag spring will this stop or is it just a prob with these guns? I have never seen this in any other auto I have owned. Also I can seem to top off my 16 round mags only 15 rounds in the mag.


New member
More important, is it really a 75 or a 75b?
The pre b 75's are really picky about mags.
The mec gars usually won't even fit in a pre b.
Original mags from cz will work fine though.

The 16 round mags take a while to loosen up. That's normal

As to the mags not dropping free.
The 75's have a mag brake that can be bent with a screwdriver.
Check out the CZ Forum.
Lots of info there.


New member
Yeah the springs are a little weak on some of the 16 round magazines, just put the Wolff +5 springs in them.


As Hornett mentioned, the problem is NOT the magazine springs, it's a design feature.

The Europeans tend to be worried about losing magazines, leaving one with a single shot sidearm at an inopportune time. Therefore European pistol designs sometimes include design features to prevent the magazine from rapidly departing the pistol without assistance if the mag release is accidentally pressed. Americans tend to be worried about saving a second in a complicated stage during a "practical" pistol competition so they don't care if their mags to drop free if the magazine release is pressed.

To remedy the "problem", you can reach your finger up into the back of the magazine well. You'll feel a sheet metal piece that is loosely attached. Feel for the "seam" where the metal is slightly bent and press hard on the seam. Do that along the seam, maybe in a couple or three places and then try your magazines again.


New member
just put the Wolff +5 springs in them.

+1. I replace all my CZ springs with Wolff. Mag springs, recoil spring, and extractor spring. Never had a problem with the factory springs, but I do this as a precaution.


New member
The mag brake is your problem. Either flatten out the one in your gun or you can buy one without the bend in it from CZ-USA. If you take off one grip you can see it and where it needs to be flattened out. Mark


New member
Mag Brakes and MecGars

Mag Brakes: As stated - very easy fix - see the CZ site. You can straighten it out easily. The first time you take it out and put it in its hard - but is really an easy job.

Mag springs. CZs often come with WEAK mag springs. Wolff sells packs iof them that will both make the gun feed better, and eject nicer.

While your at it, you can knock out the extractor and clean and replace with a Wolff exctractor spring.


New member
thanks guys ill try the mag break mod. Still trying to figure out why the second round comes forward when the first id chambered but maybe the spring will fix that. it does not cause any stoppage so im not going to worry about it if it still happenes. I would still trust this gun with my life (as I often do) never had a single stoppage just an anoyance


You don't need to take the brake out to straighten it, I did it with my finger by reaching up through the mag well. It doesn't take much. If you don't push hard enough the first time and the magazines still stick, just repeat with more pressure. The key is to push directly on the actual bend in the brake.

There is friction between the rounds in the magazine, it's not uncommon for the top round to drag the next round forward a bit as it feeds. It shouldn't cause any problems.


New member
I didn't take mine apart.
But it took more finger pressure than I could muster.
I used a piece of wood about 1/2" thk 1" wide to pry against the other side of the mag well.
The wood didn't damage any of the finish.
Worked great. :D


New member
Still trying to figure out why the second round comes forward when the first id chambered but maybe the spring will fix that.

Stronger mag springs from Wolff will help to keep that second round in place.


New member
That is what I figured. All autos have this prob a little but this one will drag the second round almost half way out of the mag when the mag is full.

Willie D

New member
I haven't had any feed problems with my CZ yet so I considered the weaker mag springs a plus; I don't destroy my fingers loading it.


New member
My (new this year) Cz75B mags and my two Mec-gar mags are identical. Both say Made in Italy.
The mag brake is easy to remove after taking out the bottom mainspring pin.
I recommend measuring it for length before carefully hammering it flat. It lengthens the spring plate slightly when you take the bend out. A simple fix is to dremel (1/16" or less) off the 'shoulders' of the looped metal at the bottom of the spring plate. This loop fits around the pin . After removing a little metal you can bend the loop of metal just a little further around and it goes back in nicely.