Magpul leaving Colorado?????


New member
It just passed the House. Senate is 20 (D) to 15 (R). It will pass senate. Hickenlooper has already voiced his support of the Bill.

Hundreds of jobs just left Colorado so that a group of politicians can feel good about themselves. Sad day for the great state of Colorado.


New member
Since money seems to be the only language most politicians readily understand, maybe when these radical states start seeing businesses leave and taking their money with them they will open their eyes and see the error of their ways.


New member
Alfred Industries also sent a letter indicating that they will move all or part of their operations out of Colorado when this bill passes. I frankly do not think the politicians care. They believe they have a mandate, and will move forward regardless of who they hurt, or what rights they trample. Until they are voted out, this will continue.

With the influx of people into Colorado of recent years, many from very liberal urban areas, that may not happen.

I am pretty moderate myself, but I am disgusted with the way our State Legislature is behaving on this subject. Facts are not important. Jobs are not important. Emotion is the ruler of the day. Our state has been besieged with unthinkable tragedies. It is time to take action, but action based upon facts that will lead to fewer CRIMINALS or the insane getting guns, legally, or illegally. Limiting magazine size to 15 will have absolutely NO impact on gun related deaths in Colorado or anywhere else. Conversely, it will have the impact of losing hundreds of jobs as clearly stated by the CEO's of those companies.


So the bill passed the voice vote. Is that binding? Or is it just another preliminary vote? Man, I just moved here two years ago from Texas. I'm personally very conservative (Jesus is lord) but very libertarian politically and didn't care much for Texas (plus its freaking hot there and the food is awful and its one of the fattest states in the country). I thought this state might be a bit more fitting, but I guess not. I may have to move to Laramie/Cheyenne and commute.


New member


New member

Hey Magpull, Cheyenne is only 120 miles north; there is a military base there, the main east/west interstate, rail lines, and one of the country's largest mainframe computers and communication centers located in Cheyenne. Wyoming has no income tax and would love to have you company relocate! The move would be easy!

Oh yeah, and Wyoming loves gun people!


New member
I never imagined new gun control passing in Colorado. As a lifelong Wyoming resident I have plans in place to move down there in the next year and begin working. I consider myself decently tuned in to the politics of the state since I go down there almost weekly, and I thought they were more like us Wyoming-ites, and most of the liberal hysteria was focused in Denver.

I am absolutely stunned.


New member
I was at that heartbreaker Baltimore playoff game. I can forgive my Broncos once I get feeling back in my toes. :D

Rahim Moore! Basic pass coverage!

To try and stay on-topic, I wonder if Magpul could logistically operate in Wyoming, in terms of being able to find enough employees.


New member
I wonder if Magpul could logistically operate in Wyoming, in terms of being able to find enough employees.

I see no reason they couldn't. Brunton operates out of Riverton, WY, population 12,000.

I know the down away!:(


New member
I have a open letter for Magpul.

Dear Magpul

I have a large trailer which I would gladly help you move north free of charge.

Free America (AKA Wyoming) will welcome you and your business.


psycho nut

New member
Boooo Wyoming! Yaaaay Nebraska!!

I already love Magpul, and this makes me proud to be a fan. Obviously, it's a regretful turn of events and I hope that they don't have to uproot, but I hope it works out.