Magnum primer?

Voyager AL

New member
I load for many calibers, but recently bought a taurus revolver in 32H&R Magnum. Bought CCI small pistol magnum primers.I now experience failure to fire on at least 2 outta 5. I spoke to another loader last nite, and he felt that the magnum primers have a thicker body, which takes a harder strike to fire. If i keep cycling the gun, after maybe 5 strikes, i get a fire. Same primers on my 9mm and 38 spl work fine. Will i be OK to use regular primers? I was sold them from a reloading business. I will load a dozen or so tonite to see if all problems disappear.


New member
You will be fine with a standard primer.

You may want to try Federal Magnums, they are still pretty soft. If a stock revolver won't light Fed magnums I would look to find out what is wrong.

Ben Shepherd

New member
Most important: WHAT powder are you loading with?

As HSMITH noted, federals are the softest primers out there, so you may want to try them if your primer stikes are on the light side.

Another thought- Are you sure your primers are fully seated? If you hit it a second time and it goes off, your primers may not be seated fully.
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Voyager AL

New member
Loading with RedDot. I cant use Federal, Lee loaders say not to. I Use a Lee prime tool. I have double checked, they are seated flush,tight. I bought Remington primers this time, they were out of CCI, and had more Ferderal than anyone could need .


New member
I have Lee equipment also. i saw where it said not to use Federal primers but that is almost all I use and have not had a problem yet. You do not need magnum primers just use small pistol primers.
In fact I have tried SPP and SPMP and have not really seen a difference.


New member
I have read several times on the internet where someone had a tray of Federal primers blow when using a hand seater. I don't know anyone that has had this problem personally. I have seated a LOT of Federals with a Lee handprimer without issue, as have a lot of others. I guess it could happen at any time, so I keep the tray away from me, safety glasses on, and plug away with it.

I DO know a guy that blew up a tray of Federals in a Loadmaster, and it is a similar arrangement.

Voyager AL

New member
That is Lee's way of covering their a**es. I may try federal next time.
Thanks for the replys,yall. I didnt load last nite, I stopped for a few beers after work.

T. O'Heir

New member
The cup of a magnum primer is the same as a regular primer. The difference is the temperature and burn time. The magnum burns a bit hotter and a bit longer. They're made to light powders that take more heat and time to ingnite. They won't hurt anything, but you usually don't need them. Use the primer your manual says to use.


New member
I think the problem may lie with CCI primers. several of my rifles dislike CCI primers. i get light strikes, so i decided to oley use the Winchester primers and i have not had 1 failure yet. some people swear by the CCI primers and some don't. i only used them because of the APS system. they also have a tendency to back out of the case. i think it is because the CCI's are harder and don't seat as well.

Voyager AL

New member
well, I loaded 50 last evening, and shot 12 on the way home from work this morning. All 12 went bang. Its all good, thanks!I'll keep the magnum primers for my N frame, they wont go to waste