

New member
Anyone with experience with a magnaported handgun? I'm considering it for my 4" 629 Smith...anyone with a website address for them? THANKS in advance, FM12


New member
My experience with Magnaporting! First, it works in that muzzle lift and recoil are reduced. Second, shooting a magnaported gun results in a really, really loud sound and fire does spurt out of the ports- always wear ear and eye protection. Third, I just hate to clean out those doggone ports.


New member
My experience is that you'll get lots of dirty looks and negative comments from shooters on either side of you!

Capt. Dixie

New member
Gotta agree. I had a G23C and it was loud as all get out. It was a chore
to clean the ports, too. I also shoot a ported skeet gun and it is also louder
than unported shot guns. Part and parcel to porting. I really couldn't tell
much difference with muzzle rise on the Glock, but I guess, it really does
compensate some. Just wasn't my thing.


New member
I had a Ruger GP100 that I really liked - and then had it ported by MagnaPort. I thought it would make it more "pleasant" to shoot .357 mags. But those were back in the days when I believed that .357 mags could be pleasant to shoot.

Did magnaporting help reduce muzzle flip? I honestly don't know. What I did notice was an increase in noise and a huge increase in muzzle flash in low light conditions. It caused me to flinch every time I pulled the trigger. I sold the gun shortly thereafter. To be fair, I was a relatively new shooter back then. I doubt that muzzle flash would bother me as much nowadays. But I will never port a gun again. Muzzle flip can be controlled by practice - lots of practice. Muzzle flash can be gotten used to... but if you need to pull your weapon at night, there is no way to get used to being temporarily blinded by excess muzzle flash. Just my $.02


New member
I had my 4" Model 29 ported. I saw little if any difference in recoil or muzzle rise. You do get a big, flaming "V" in lower light conditions. I never noticed it was any louder though.