Magazines in the Gunsafe?


New member
I did a thorough cleaning on all of my weapons the other day and was wondering how I was going to fit more guns in the safe. That's when I took a good look at how many magazines I have and thought, hmmmm..If I store these elsewhere I might actually have a lot more room. At the same time I though of the substantial investment I have in just magazines. Way too much to leave them unsecure.

So I was many folks here store magazines in their gunsafes along with the weapons..or do you guys just store them seperately?

Good Shooting


New member
Room in the inn? That's what rental storage sheds are for. Now if I could find one with a tactical black door, instead of that goofy orange one.


New member
Some are in there, some aren't. If I have magazines for a gun I don't own yet, they're stored somewhere else. If they're not loaded, they're stored somewhere else.

You could just get a cheap homak type safe and put all your magazines in there.


New member
I'm reading this and wondering why the hell you would waste space in your gun safe with Field & Stream magazines. That's why us uneducated types call them clips.

(edited to correct spelling of uneducated)
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New member
Ahh..but see, we all know that folks keep clips at the bathroom sink next to wifie's hairbrush. :p :D

I keep my hair way to get them confused.:D

Good Shooting


New member
Calling a magazine a clip can get you shot aroud here!




New member
In the safe - can't afford to replace all the hi-caps, and even the 10-rounders are expensive if I have to replace all of them!


New member
Lets see..

Mag 1=AR15
Mag 2=FAL
Mag 3=?
Mag 4= 1911
Mag 5= Cetme or G3
Mag 6= AK

I think I got em all right, except #3. Seems to be some sort of .22 magazine. hmmm..

Good Shooting


New member
Well...answerguy, as they are not at all the same thing, that would be more correctly stated:

"You say to-may-to, I say po-tay-to."

Mike ;)


New member
I bought an inexpensive metal, locking gun cabinet from the local chain store. Couple hundred, tops. Keep ammo and extra magazines, cleaning paraphenalia etc in there.


Moderator Emeritus
My magazines are in a humungous wicker basket in my room. (SIG, Beretta, Glock, 1911, HK, AK, etc.)

My clips are in cloth bandoliers stacked on an old bookshelf. (Garand, Mauser, SKS)


I say toe-may-toe, you say chih-mee-chain-gah. The two are rather different, although you can use a clip to load a magazine. ;)


New member
Each gun is kept with one loaded mag inserted, nothing in the pipe.

Spare loaded mags are close by, on top of ammo.

I just stacked my guns vertically and realized: there is room for one more gun here. Uh oh.



Glock 17
CZ 75B
Valtro 1998A1


New member
Same problem. Stuffed a bunch of ammo boxes full of hi-caps and stuck them in a big cabinet for now. When I get the upstairs of the garage trimmed out I'm moving some items out there.


New member
Interesting coincidence; I thnk it was a Dunham's ad sheet that showed a gun that came with one 'clip'. The clip was obviously a magazine.