Magazine tube spring ???


New member
I just ordered a wolff Magazine spring for my Mossberg 590 with an 8 shot tube capacity. The springs come 40" long and you are suppost to cut them to the length you want.

What length do I want for my tube???


New member
Wolff makes the best gun springs out there. Great choice to go to Wolff in a combat or HD shotty.

The Wolff mag spring will have around 20% more power than the factory if cut to the same size.

Take your factory spring out and lay it on the work bench next to the Wolff spring. Cut the Wolff spring to the same length as the factory spring. Just match em' up and cut to the same size.

Use a SHARP set of cutters that will do the job quickly and cleanly.

Good luck!


New member
Well...... My original spring is the same length as the tube. I don't think it is supposed to be that way. It is not feeding the last round properly. The last round falls out and hits the ground. I am replacing the spring because it has fail. I think the original spring has been over compressed. Can anyone measure thier spring and give me a proper length? My intention is to leave it loaded with 7 shells and leave one space availible to select a slug. I only use 2/34 shells so I have a bit of extra room.


New member
Did you buy this gun new?

I'm sorry, I don't own a Mossberg so I can't give you a measurement. But I do own a Remington with a 8 shot tube..which also doesn't help...but I do know that the magazine spring is much longer than the length of the tube.

If you are not the original owner, it would almost sound to me as if someone cut the factory spring. It's hard to imagine the spring compressed that much.

If you don't get a answer here, call Mossy and ask their service reps what the factory length should be.


New member
It has not been cut. ON this spring both ends reduce in diameter to fit the end cap on one end and the follower on the other. Both ends still have the taper. I think the spring is just a dud. It has been my experiance that a good spring will hold it's shap for a VERY long time and a poor one will go bad right away. I have also read several posts that Mossberg's factory magazine springs leave alot to be desired.

Unless I hear otherwise I will just install the spring over length as is, test and then cut.

Some guidance would however be useful.


New member
I called wolff and asked them. They told me it is strickly trial and error. Put in the spring and load shells. If they don't all fit. Cut the spring a bit and load shells again. Repeat this process until desired round count and tension is achieved.