Magazine Suggestions for Romanian Sar3 in .223


New member
I have come into the possesion of an AK type Romanian Sar3 in 5.56/.223. I would like to purchase half a dozen or so, 30 round, quality/reliable magazines for it.

Any suggestions?


New member
SAR 3, I think you are stuck w/ the Weiger mags- made of steel. Bulgarian waffle mags are for Bulgarian rifles.


I bought 7 30 rd mags with mine when I bought the rifle. They are romanian made and work OK. I don't recall seeing any identifying marks on them.


New member
Ahh the SAR-3 mag search. Your on a long mission my friend. It took me a couple years before I found any. I finally hit the jackpot all within a couple months.I found a gentlemen on selling about 6 or so last year then i found one on and two more on I haven't seen any since then anywhere. I take that back I saw three at a gunshow that had been grinded and one looked burnt and the guy still wanted $30.00 each. I was desperate but 3 dollars short so it was a no go. Your going to have be very patient and buy as many as you can and be prepared to pay top dollar if you do find them. The Bulgarian 5.56 ak mags don't fit from what i've heard but i haven't tried personally. Don't bother with the modified 5.45 ak mags because they don't work worth a damn. The modified ones are orange with a black band around the top,Stay Away from them unless their free. Good Luck. If you need photos or something pm me.


New member
I ran across a Weiger mag if any is interested. Its not cheap at $52.00 only one in stock. PM me for the website.


New member
As an update to my magazine search, the original owner found a few mags that he had, but only one, a reddish wood grain looking orlite 30 rounder fits and looks "factory". I believe the reddish one is the original mag that came with the rifle. He also gave me 4 other steel mags that I assume will need to be fitted.

As a side note, I also bought 2 of these from Midway, and they functioned perfectly without any modifications to the mag or rifle. I will be getting a couple more of these.