Magazine spring binding on Moss. 590A1


New member
The last two times I went to the range to fire my evil black assault shotgun, when I load the magazine to full capacity (8 shells), the spring will somtimes bind up. I'll fire the first shot, then rack it, and no shell springs out of the magazine. When I clear the chamber and look, I see that the remaining seven shells are sliding back & forth freely. The last few times this happened, I simply unscrewed the magazine cap & stuck something long & skinny down into the magazine to try to free up the spring. That works until the next time the spring binds up.

Any idea what is causing this, and any ideas how to permanently fix this? The guy at the range said "Only put seven rounds in the magazine," but I want to be able to load the full eight rounds.

Joe Mamma

New member
Try changing the magazine follower

I had the same problem on a brand new Remington 870.

A change of follower (from a factory Remington to a Scattergun Technologies one) seems to have fixed it. It must be something in the design. You may want to change the magazine spring too. There might be some difference in the dimensions in the spring that might fix the problem. Both are relatively cheap and easy fixes.

Let us know what you do and if it works.

Joe Mamma