Magazine question


New member
If this question would be better off in the gear and accessories section, maybe someone could move it...

Considering that "high capacity" mags could become permanently impossible to buy, what is the best conservation strategy for the ones that I already have? Use a couple of them over and over, leaving the others in reserve? Or put them into a regular use rotation?


Perturbed Panda

New member
I would say if you're worried about spring fatigue; look around for replacement spring kits. During the last ban, one could still find them.


Definitely buy replacement springs for all of your magazines and for every spring in the gun. These things may very well become hard to find in the future. If you want your magazine springs to last as long as possible consider downloading the magazine by one or two rounds if you plan on keeping them loaded 24/7. Double stack mags place a much heavier load on the spring when fully stuffed. High capacity is good but feed reliability is more important.

Walt Sherrill

New member
For many of the handgun hi-cap mags, the springs used in the 10-round mags are the same springs used in the hi-cap mags.

There was NOT a shortage last time, and I'll be surprised if there is, if we have a new ban put in place.

They might ban mags, but they aren't likely to ban springs... as in some cases, banning the springs in a 15 or 17 round mag means banning the springs for lower-cap mags, too.

Walt Sherrill

New member
For many of the handgun hi-cap mags, the springs used in the 10-round mags are the same springs used in the hi-cap mags.

There was NOT a shortage of springs last time, and I'll be surprised if there is a shortage this time, if we have a new ban put in place.

Manufacturers also stockpiled magazines, making many thousands more than usual to have inventory BEFORE the ban started. I'd expect to see that, again. Manufacture date was the limit, last time -- and there was documentation to show when the mags were made.

They might ban mags, but they aren't likely to ban springs... as in some cases, banning the springs in a 15 or 17 round mag means banning the springs for lower-cap mags, too.

Nothing to feel good about, but it's not likely to be drastic IF you already have some of the high-cap mags on hand.

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