Magazine issue or no?


New member
I was at the range with my new DDM4 and was noticing that when I tried to seat the magazine with the bolt carrier forward, the magazine wouldn't seat. Then when the bolt carrier was pulled back, the magazine would seat no problem. Is this common in M4 style rifles?

I'm used to handguns where you can insert a magazine with the slide forward and just pull the slide back to seat a round.

James K

Member In Memoriam
This issue has been discussed on other sites, with the usual "my magazines work fine, yours are junk" posts. IIRC, GI specs require that a full magazine be loaded with the bolt closed, but I am not sure all do. It is purely a magazine issue unless someone is making out of spec lowers, which wouldn't surprise me a lot, but seems less likely.

But yes, a full mag should seat with the bolt either way, though it may take a bit of a rap to do it with the bolt closed. Some folks recommend only loading 28 or 29 (18 or 19) rounds in the mag, but that seems to me not a real solution; if it says 20 rounds, it should take 20 rounds, not 18.



New member
With the rifle unloaded and magazine removed, push the magazine release all the way in (you may need to use a plastic rod or pen to help), then unscrew the lever on the opposite side of it one turn. Release it, then try your magazine again. Sometimes it requires a bit of fine tuning.. if it works you may find that you have to tighten it back up a turn as everything breaks in. If it is too loose you may have feeding issues. Having to slap the magazine home is normal, you can be "too nice" to an AR. Good luck!


New member
Don't baby the magazine. Treat it like a whore and see if it acts right. Use force and slam it home. After being forceful see if you still have the same problem.


New member
When the magazine is "fully loaded" is the top round on the right or on the left side, as viewed from the rear of the magazine?

Hint: should be on the right.


New member
There is indeed some vigorous handling involved during drills for malfunctions or magazine exchanges. I hit my magazines pretty hard when I first put them in (bolt opened or closed) to ensure they are indeed totally in. You might even see some military training literature that states you must tap the magazine after you reload.

As said on here before. Slide that girl in there and give her a firm slap in the *ss.


New member
The ever popular spank it and see if it wiggles is a good technique. Also, I woulx download my mags to 28, simply so as to have one less thing to worry about it while in a firefight.