Made the cover of the San Diego Reader!

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Great article. It sounds like you guys are doing it right and we all may benefit.

I know it takes courage to step out in the open that way in any large urban environment.

Les Auten

New member
Good article, I was afraid it was going to be a hit piece when I read the cover.
I hope she enjoyed it enough to continue shooting.


New member
All things considered, an excellent article. One question though. Why your insistence on asking if the police are "requesting" or "demanding". Your question has no bearing on the legality of the contact, the inspection or your legal ability to carry. Its no different than the requirement that you present your license, registration and proof of insurance during a traffic stop. No matter how nice the cop is in asking, you still stand to get a legal smacked bottom if you refuse to cough up your documents. It reminds me of the old hippy myth that LE was required to answer truthfully if you asked them if they were now or ever members of law enforcement before you sold them dope. At worst you risk alienating a cop who may be generally supportive of open carry by making him perceive you as a wingnut who wants to push his buttons and suck him into a law suit. At best your question might induce an idiot to pick a fight with you. I guess that might gain you martyr status as you fight your way through the system, but is that what you want and is it worth it to you?

The way I see it a bare request is something that you can refuse to grant without fear of sanction. A request backed by the power of law and threat of sanction should you fail to acceed to the request is, no matter how politely phrased, a demand. If hunny bunny pouts and asks you most sweetly to do something for her but you know that you will a couch sleeper be if you don't do it, is it really a request?

Regardless of what we all might want the law to be, the fact remains that 12031(e) gives police the authority to inspect your firearms whether you like it or not and arrest you if you fail to comply.
A police officer can legally request almost anything and if you comply it is not unconstitutional or illegal. If he demands it it is.

Great article.


New member
Open carry unloaded weapons? Why? It is of no use unloaded well you could hit someone with it I imagine. What does this prove anyway? We get CCW here and carry legal with out anyone else knowing we are armed. Kinda takes the surprise out of it.


As usual Im going to be the grinch and say that the actions described do little to advance the cause of gun ownership and are tactically unsound. The described actions towards the police are childish.

I will give the folks credit for having the courage of their convictions.

WildnowwatchthefolkstrytoiarguewithmeAlaska ™

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus

I'd agree that the actions are, perhaps, "tactically" unsound but I think the idea is more one of civil disobedience (even though it is technically legal) than any actual defensive purpose.

What would be the proper response to LE, in your opinion? If you were in this guys shoes doing what he's doing...
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What would be the proper response to LE, in your opinion? If you were in this guys shoes doing what he's doing...

I wouldnt play that "requesting or demanding" game.

Can I check your gun?
Here you go Officer.

WiloddoneAlaska ™


New member
Open carry unloaded weapons? Why? It is of no use unloaded well you could hit someone with it I imagine.

Wouldn't you say that having an unloaded weapon and a loaded magazine on your person was better than having to run home to get them?


New member
Wouldn't you say that having an unloaded weapon and a loaded magazine on your person was better than having to run home to get them?

No, I would say a loaded concealed weapon is better than having to run home to get. However he has a revolver, a full mag would be of no help.

I for one see no reason to advertise what I have on my body at any time.

Cides, it created some strife from the people that hang at the beach. Not normal to see a guy with a gun strapped on in public.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Cides, it created some strife from the people that hang at the beach.

Not normal to see a guy with a gun strapped on in public.

(A) because of (B) and, ironically, (B) because of (A)

The correct answer is:

(A) Who cares.

(B) It would be if more people did it, and you wouldn't have (A).


New member
San Diego

I live in Montana and carry all the time. Sometimes open and sometimes covered, but the ammo is always in the right place. I will be in San Diego in August and would like to meet some of the guys and gals. I am always ready for a good Mexican meal. Of course I will have one or more small arms with me, I will leave the large ones at home.



New member

Wouldn't you say that having an unloaded weapon and a loaded magazine on your person was better than having to run home to get them?
No, I would say a loaded concealed weapon is better than having to run home to get. However he has a revolver, a full mag would be of no help.

I for one see no reason to advertise what I have on my body at any time.

Cides, it created some strife from the people that hang at the beach. Not normal to see a guy with a gun strapped on in public.

You went off on a tangent. Its not what you prefer from an unrestricted set of choices.
What would you choose from the following:
1) leave all weapons at home; do not carry any weapon in public
2) carry an unloaded hand gun in the open carry mode and some ammo in a pocket.
3) carry a concealed loaded hand gun without a permit

In Kalifornia pursuant to the current laws if you choose #1 or #2 you are legal. If you choose #3 you violate Penal Code section 12025. Whether that is a felony or a misdemeanor I do not know.

Which do you choose?

Paul B.

New member
"In Kalifornia pursuant to the current laws if you choose #1 or #2 you are legal. If you choose #3 you violate Penal Code section 12025. Whether that is a felony or a misdemeanor I do not know.'

I believe it's a felony. The very last time I went to Kommiefornia, I was carrying a little Beretta Minx. (.22 Short no less) I wa svisiting a close friend and when I showed the gun to him, he freaked out and told me it was a felony. :eek:
It's been about 14 years since I went to the land of fruits, nuts and flakes, so if anything has changed along those lines, it's probably gotten worse.
Paul B.