Made a bet, need answers please


New member

So I probably bit off more than I can chew, but I was discussing guns with a friend's military brother and he claimed that thier M16 rifle has:

A) better terminal damage/velocity
B) More recoil

Than a .44 magnum. The thing is I have a .44 Magnum Raging Bull, but from what I know a .44 Magnum is a hell of a lot more powerful (and the recoil more violent), than the 5.56 ammo of the M16.

I know this is really a wierd comparaions (revolver to automatic rifle), but lets keep it simple: which is harder to shoot from a recoil perspective: a .44 Mag handgun or an M16?

Am I wrong? I only lose $20 but hey you live and learn I guess.


New member
Muzzle energies for the two are

.44 mag 800ft.lbs.

.223 1200 ft. lbs.

Recoil for a rifle in .223 is nil.

Recoil in a handgun for the .44 mag is substantial.

You win. Shoulda bet big money.


New member
Any pistol is "harder to shoot" in terms of accuracy. As far as recoil it doesent take much to beat an m16. Thats a pretty large spring taking up bolt action. The 44 mag doesent have any thing to absorb the recoil. They both can have around the same amount of powder in them but the 44 will shoot a heavier bullet, which will cause more recoil.
This is definately a apples to oranges comparison, But the 44 has more punch IMO.


New member
Your half right, .44 mag has more recoil but less energy delivered on target. But firing a .223 from an M16 it has almost no recoil, Where as a .44 mag is no fun to shoot because of how much it recoils.


New member
Anyone knows that a 44 mag is going to have more felt recoil out of a handgun than a 223 rifle. As for terminal energy, at what distance are you both talking about. At 50 yards the difference is minor. The further out you go the 223 will have more energy due to better aerodynamics. If you are talking about 44 mag in a rifle, out to 200 yards they would be close.

if you compare them in velocity at downrange the 223 wins. if you compare them at momentum the 44 wins, if you compare them at energy they are close.

I can tell you this much, a garrett arms 310 grain hardcast 44 mag load will take most big non-dangerous game in north america within 100 yards. you could not do that with the 223

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
Fools bet, don't discuss guns or ballistics with him any more. Energy measured in foot pounds

M16 200 yards 311, 500 yards 66

44 mag 200 yards 661, 500 yards 346


M16 4.7 foot pounds

44 mag 25 foot pounds

Comparing apples to kumquats, load used, length of barrel, bullet weight, frontal area of bullet, terminal effect on target, type of bullet used.

Other tables will show the M16 as the winner at the muzzle but down range the bulky old 44 mag is still chugging along slowly and still dangerous at ranges farther than almost anybody can shoot accurately.


New member
old grump, you're M16 figures are way off.

62 grain fmj ballistics
0 yards - 1240 ft-lbs
200 yards - 987 fr-lbs
500 yards - 361 ft-lbs

also what load out of a 44 mag handgun is still doing 361 ft-lbs at 500 yards? out of a carbine maybe.


New member
Muahaha, idiot just lost himself $20!!!

Well assuming I can get it from him, he's supposed to go back to Iraq or something soon. Maybe I'll take my .44 mag and pay a visit there.... and get my $20.

Its wierd though I thought a Marine would know better, but I've known that guy since high school and he wasn't exactly the brightest even back then.

Thanks guys

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
old grump, you're M16 figures are way off.

62 grain fmj ballistics
0 yards - 1240 ft-lbs
200 yards - 987 fr-lbs
500 yards - 361 ft-lbs

also what load out of a 44 mag handgun is still doing 361 ft-lbs at 500 yards? out of a carbine maybe.

Exactly what I was saying, I looked at several sites and the only thing they agreed on was that they were all different. The site I finally took my figures from didn't say what was being used so I don't know bullet weights or barrel lengths or type of bullet or type of ammunition. The only thing that seemed close to being the same were pertaining to the recoil numbers. There are lies, damn lies and statistics. Fools bet. Now if the bet had been my M16 vs your 44 mag there could have been a gun to gun comparison. I have no money on this bet so I have no stake on the outcome. Numbers mean little except as a comparison at the muzzle and down range but still mean little when it comes to effective impact on the target. Your choice, shoot supper at 150 yards with the 44 mag or the 5.56, me I'm going bigger is better route.


New member
I wouldn't want to be shot by either one. I guess I'm a little confused. I would think that even a 44mag shot out of a carbine would have more recoil than a .223 shot out of a target pistol. :confused: I don't know... This reply was pretty much a huge waste of space... :confused: Still confused... Where am I???:confused:

LongRifles Inc.

New member
As a former Marine and as a former Marksmanship Instructor I can assure you that as a generalization most Marines don't go home at night and study terminal ballistics or sit and perform snap in drills in their barracks rooms or living rooms at night. Sure would have made my job easier!

The knowledge of how to operate/service the M-16/M-4 is watered down to the shallowest possible level in the gene pool. This way EVERYONE gets it and has a chance of retaining it.

Spend your prize with a big smile!
