Mad at the Movies It's "SHOWTIME!"

Navy joe

New member
Yep, Sillywood is at it again. I am a huge Eddie Murphy fan, so I had to run out and see the new one "Showtime". Funny movie, but big mistake.

From the beginning I could tell it was going to be typical Hollywood gun handling, starting with Murphy's character seeing DeNiro inadvertantly reveal a concealed weapon which was apparently good cause to charge in with guns blazing, breaking up a drug deal DeNiro was putting together as a sting op. Next comes an obligatory gangsta hold from one of our drug dealers. Next the other one whips out a portable cannon of some sort that makes the Terminator's toys look weak.

Said piece becomes the plot line of this weak story, we are led to discover that this thing is a hand held full-auto 12ga firing Depleted uranium AP as well as HE and inciendiary rounds. This thing knocks down houses better than a Waco bulldozer, blowing fist size holes in everything with the apparent recoil of a 9mm subgun. Search for this super evil cop killer(which uses full brass shells that went out in the 1890's) eventually leads to the requisite bad cop who is making these babies in his garage. Apparently this is common. Also apparent is that anyone with an interest in guns and a Bridgeport is suspect.

Bad cop is traced to a *gasp* GUN SHOW by what else, a truck rental. Don't all normal looking domestic terrorists rent trucks? Truck is Lo-jacked to a swank downtime hotel where gun show is being held. Never exactly seen a gun show in such nice environs. Seems obvious though since gun shows are obviously havens for international terrorists and bank robbers. At least in this movie they are since that's where our heroes find them.

The gun show is a laugh since all of it is Nazi crap and militaria which I hate at gun shows. All the attendees are weird looking white guys many in reenactor get-ups from various military periods. Obvious kooks, the two wackos from South Park would fit right in.

Other gun notes. Murphy's character used a pimped out Taurus copy of a Beretta 92, nothing but chrome and gold. Deniro's got a nice gun, couldn't figure out if it was a Detonics or an STI.

What I think is that the makers took a couple of jabs at lawful gun owners that didn't need to be in there. Beverly Hills Cop series got made without such and people still liked them. The character assasination of people that both carry concealed and attend gun shows was pretty ridiculous. Since gun people like action movies, I encourage you to tell your friends to not see this thing. If you have seen it, tell me what you think, tell some other boards too.


New member
You're too late with your warning. I wasted my $$ on this piece of crap. Not only were all the firearm related scenes a total mess ( but that's to be expected ) but the story line, acting, casting, etc. made for a disaster.

Murphy, trying to get back in the busines, and De Niro just trying to just put some bucks in his pocket really disappointed me in both of these talented guys.

Say your $$. Watch the tube or read a book.

Navy joe

New member
In other movie related news I have located the hushhushsupertopsecret John Woo training ground. Damn shame its at my own indoor range. I get done shooting today and check out the observation area for another bay to see what all the noise is about. I got one guy firing a semi-auto AK faster than the real ones ever cycled. A couple of lanes down some knucklehead is pretty much kepping up with him by firing two pistols at once, rather rapidly! Oh the humanity! Why I keep saying that one of the three bays needs to be members only.


New member
Bein picky. Mayhap the only believable part was the all brass shot shells. They not only didn't go out in the 1890s, they hadn't gone out in the 1990s. Tho not popular, they are great for extended trips due to their indefinate life and ease of reloading in the field.


Apple a Day

New member
I am going to spend the time and $ I might have spent on this movie going to the range.
Range or movie
Range or movie
Range or movie
Hmmmmmmm.... the range wins! ;)


New member
I thought it was pretty funny.

Some of the stuff kinda annoyed me, though, like all the "finger off the trigger" violations. DeNiro seemed to be pretty good about it, but Eddie Murphy always had his finger on the trigger, even when he was staging the fight to impress the TV execs and pointing his weapon at his buddy from acting class.

Also, in one of the big shootouts, the cops have this truckload of BGs wearing bullet-proof vests. They're all around their cars, firing pistols. Why didn't they grab their rifles or shotguns for that shootout? Wouldn't a .223 round punch through armor like they were wearing?

Bill Shatner was awesome, though. I love that guy.

The gun show scene was pretty goofy, but then again, sometimes gun shows are pretty goofy. *shrug*


New member
Been to a lot of gun shows, including a couple in L.A., but never seen anything like the one in Showtime. There were so many freaks it reminded me of the bar scene in the original Star Wars.

I think the problem is the typical gun show attendee is just not photogenic enough for a Hollywood movie. We're too "normal" looking.

Nanaimo Barr

New member
they should come up and check out the gun show in one of the the Indian Casino's up here in North Idaho (VERY classy place. for a Casino. or the one in the School is interesting), I just love all the people walking in and out the doors with all these firearm and the the "no weapons allowed" signs...
Eddy Murphy, Lousy Actor. won't pay to see him.

DeNero, Good Actor. just packing away the bucks with another crap movie.

Shatner, finally learned to laugh at himself

Calamity Jane

New member
The gun show is a laugh since all of it is Nazi crap and militaria which I hate at gun shows. All the attendees are weird looking white guys many in reenactor get-ups from various military periods. Obvious kooks, the two wackos from South Park would fit right in.

I'm not going to see that silly old movie, but I have to contribute a "grrrrr" to the above description. :mad: It's funny, 'cause I've wondered how long it would take Hollywood to catch up to demonizing gun shows a la the mainstream media.

Now I guess I have my answer.

Sure, there are a few wormy apples in any given bucket, gun shows included, but it's funny how the vast majority of people I've seen at the gun shows I've attended have looked and behaved like ordinary, everyday folks.


Navy joe

New member
I absolutely cannot believe that I failed to mention the climatic scene of the entire movie. That would be the old Seecamp concealed in a video camera 7yd thru the lens hostage situation head shot. I hope to God no one ever tries that stunt, its a movie classic.