M9A1 and 92FS question


New member
Good morning everyone, I have a question to those who have had experience with Beretta's M9A1 and 92FS. Yesterday I had to qualify on the M9. During the classroom portion as we were field stripping the guns and so forth I noticed the trigger on these guns were horrible. Now mind you I know the guns the military uses for instruction are quite often in not so great condition.

These guns however looked like they had only seen maybe a few hundred rounds. They looked like they were in pristine condition. I just couldn't get over how jerky and inconsistant that first double action trigger pull was. I mean I squeezed the trigger the same way I squeeze my Sig. Just a firm, consistant squeeze until the gun goes "bang" but on the M9 it was just aweful. So my question is, could this be because the guns were newer? or does the M-9/92FS have a track record of bad DA trigger pulls? Any thoughts, or input would be appreciated.

Oh I guess I should mention, in SA I thought shooting the M9 was quite pleasant, just the DA I thought was the worst trigger I have ever seen on a pistol in my life.


New member
What kind of DA trigger are you used to? I've never had to qual with the M9, but if the trigger is that bad, it's probably got some gunk in the action or mainspring...and you gotta break out the pin punches to clean in there unless you bathe the frame in gunscrubber, which the range dudes won't let you do. I've asked :rolleyes: There may be some burrs on the sear or something too.

I severely doubt though, that you got anything new or only a few hundred rounds...what is AF qual with the M9-100 rounds? Multiply that by probably three classes per week...you get the idea. The only reason they look "new" is because they never see anything but a rack or a holster...the closest thing it may be to new is fresh from depot. Our M16s are Dyess are the same story. They look good until you start really scrutinizing. But, all they see is range time with those stupid plastic bullets.


New member
92FS: Had one for several years. The DA pull always felt heavy, enough that it slowed my first shot down somewhat in DA mode, but the pistol was still accurate.

M9: In training, they always had us cock the hammer while presenting the pistol. Having owned a 92FS, I was used to the safety/decocker mechanism, and well practiced at operating it with the thumb of my firing hand. In civilian life, on the few occasions I opted to carry the 92 (it's heavy for a 9mm - I only bought it so I could get range time with something comparable to my issue weapon) I always carried it decocked but safety off; in both Navy and Army training, the M9 is supposed to be carried safety on.

The last Army course I took, the instructors taught to draw, present, disengage, cock, and shoot SA. I expedited the process a bit, thumbed the safety up when the muzzle started coming up forward from the holster, and cocked the hammer with my non-firing thumb as I pushed the pistol into my preferred, Weaver grip. Time from gun in holster to end of double-tap was about 1.25 seconds, according to the instructor's stopwatch.

Point being, if you don't like the DA, don't use the DA.


New member
Yeah I didn't think about that part. I'm used to the DA on my Sig. Although it's a heavy DA pull IMO it's one of the smoothest DA triggers I have ever shot. Yeah AF is 90 rounds on M9. 45 practice/45 qual.


New member
I have an older P220

Its trigger feels more like a good DA revolver trigger, in DA mode. I actually shoot slightly tighter groups with it when I decock between each shot and fire it solely DA. The SA is good, but it sometimes has a very slight catch at the break. The DA is always buttery smooth.


New member
if you don't like the DA, don't use the DA

...the other option being, get a spring kit from Wilson...

yeah...nevermind-I just read the reviews on midway, I guess folks there didn't notice a diff. But, one of the reviews mentioned getting a 16lb hammer spring, and the trigger became lighter.
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New member
Getting a "D" spring is the best way to easily lighten the DA pull on a 92. Best 4 bucks you'll ever spend.


New member
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's the way every m9 trigger is going to feel. It probably wouldn't seem so bad if you hadn't already been spoiled by your sig ;).

Can't do any alterations since it's a military issue weapon, but you should find that a few trips to the range will get you in the x ring, even with that horrible da pull. I suggest putting your sig away prior to any qualifications or deployments, and just practice with an m9 or 92.

If all else fails, just take comfort in the fact that you'll probably never have to use it.
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New member
Having just left the military, I've seen how some of those handguns are treated -sigh-. At any rate, having fired them in the military, and owning one myself, I can say I note a difference, as does every active military friend of mine who shoots my M9. Most of them are shocked at the difference -shrugs- enough so that, with instructors permission, I've allowed two of my friends to use mine instead of an issue M9 to qualify.


Having just left the military, I've seen how some of those handguns are treated -sigh-. At any rate, having fired them in the military, and owning one myself, I can say I note a difference, as does every active military friend of mine who shoots my M9. Most of them are shocked at the difference -shrugs- enough so that, with instructors permission, I've allowed two of my friends to use mine instead of an issue M9 to qualify.

Indeed, both 92FSs I've owned have had terrific triggers (especially my currently owned Italian-manufactured one with a D-spring mod).

I've heard horrible things about the treatment and maintenance of military M9s, and that consequently the trigger quality suffers tremendously.

In this case, it sounds like wear on the guns may have been minimal, but I'd bet lubrication was even moreso.

In general I'd say the quality of the DA (and SA) pulls on my SIG 229 are comparable to my 92FS - and that's a very, VERY good thing.
If you really wanna get spoiled though, the PX4's standard "F" trigger is almost as good as a 92 "D" trigger, do a D-mod to a PX4 and fuggedaboutit :D