M9 and M11 U.S. Army publications 2008


New member
I thought folks here would have an interest in this Army publication, Combat Training With Pistols, M9 and M11.

As there is currently another round going on of the annual discussion of what will replace the M9 this bulletin is of use.

One thing of interest and often asked is what is NATO ball ammo? That's laid out here as a 124 gr. ball load at 1263 fps (385 meters per second).

So here is a good bit of information that ya can refer to. Enjoy.




New member
I'm sorry but that pistol course sounds easy as heck. either hit or miss? 8 full seconds for reloads? 3-5 seconds for target acquisition? 31 yards is quite a bit but really, a grazing hit is still a hit. I never thought I'd say it but the Navy course is much tougher, quality of hits is as important as speed and quantity, more shots fired, less time to work with.


New member
Yep, this is the training manual that instructors in the military are supposed to follow.

So if you want to know what "qualifying" with a handgun means in the U.S. Army, and you don't know or recall exactly, this will remind you. It can be challengeing.

You also don't get alot of training, good bad or indifferent. It's different for special forces which are the backbone of the military.



New member
I thought it was quite interesting that the CID uses the Sig with 147 grain Jacketed Hollow Points. There might be something to learn from that.



New member
yeah I guess if you're not into handguns and only shot every 3 years(or however long your qual lasts in the army) then this would be a lot more challenging, just like the navy course.