

New member
I was in my LGS yesterday and looked at this RIA m200 .38 revolver, it has a flat black finish, rubber grips, 4"barrel, the old colt style cylinder release and a not bad trigger w/ a very light single action break. They are asking $279 for it so not terrible, I'm thinking of trading it up for my mom, she has a crappy Cobra dbl barrel .38 she got from somewhere that she can barely even cock. The lgs said they would give me $110 for the cobra in trade so since my mom has always had revolvers I figured to do it for her and make up the other$160 if nobody here has any nasty things to say about the RIA .38 , it's going to be a nightstand gun for my mom and may get chunked in her purse some but its light enough for that. So if yoy have shot one or own one give me an opinion