M2 Ball again


New member
Is there a source for surplus M2 ball out there? Can you buy it from CMP whether or not you've bought a rifle from them? Do you need to be in a club to do so?


New member

Re in order for you to be eligible for ordering from CMP....

You must FIRST be a member of a CMP affiliate club. This is usually not a problem. Most state rifle orgs. are CMP affiliates. So is the Garand Collectors Assoc.

SECOND, you must qualify in order to order from CMP. Qualifying consists of shooting a 50 rd. qualifier match at a CMP club sanctioned event.

You can be EXCUSED from the need to shoot a qualifier match (but NOT from the requirement to belong to a CMP club) if you can answer YES to any ONE of the following questions:

1. Do you have a DD-214??

2. Are you a Senior Citizen??

3. Are you a badge carrying LEO??

For full details, check out the CMP website at: www.odcmp.com

Best of luck,


New member
You do not have to have qualified to buy a rifle in order to purchase ammunition from the CMP. You only have to be a member of a CMP afilllated organization.

M2 ball is .30 caliber (.30-06).


New member
400 rounds with shipping included will set you back $99.50. They are running out, and will probably never get any more, so you might oughta hurry.