M1A surpressor selection


New member
Hi all,

I'm considering grabbing a can for my M1A, and was hoping for a little advice on what to consider.

For a quick into, my gun as it is configured now (please forgive the grainy photo): http://rampantandroid.com/images/Guns/M1A/IMG_1144.JPG

Now, I was looking at the Gemtech Quicksand, with an SEI thread adapter and a quick mount vortex flash hider from Gemtech.

Does this sound like a bad setup? Is there a better option out there? Will I need to move to using a SEI socom style gas plug so I can safely use the suppressor with normal rounds?


Crow Hunter

New member
Make sure you get an Adjustable gas plug or you WILL get a face full of gas every shot. It is worse with an EBR Stock.

Not fun.

It is funny to watch someone else shoot it though.:D


New member
The addition of a Breech shield cover will deflect the gas away from your face... no adjustable gas plug needed.


Crow Hunter

New member
The addition of a Breech shield cover will deflect the gas away from your face... no adjustable gas plug needed.

Even the gas that comes between the heel of the receiver and the back of the stock?

There is a pretty big gap there on the EBR.

My brother has a AAC 762 SD. He gets a big kick out of letting someone shoot the rifle without the can. Then mounting it and "forgetting" to turn the gas down...:rolleyes:

He has 4 M1As and the EBR is the worst by far for gas in the face.


New member
How does the wind talker compare to the Surefire FA762K? I can currently find the K model for 1300 which is a pretty steep discount for it.

As for the gas cover/plug issue, I was under the impression that a plug was needed to help protect the operating rod, not just getting gas in the face?

How would the EBR make this issue worse? It's just the design of the rifle...

Also, that trigger shoe is awesome - just got one last week and tried it out, love the thing already. :)


New member
Click the link, then call SEI and speak with Ron or Andy.
They can answer your questions better than me and
they can tell you who sells the Wind Talker to civilians.




Also, that trigger shoe is awesome - just got one last week and tried it out, love the thing already.

I'm glad you like it, the V2 EBR trigger shoe is a huge improvement.
Thanks again :)
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Crow Hunter

New member
How would the EBR make this issue worse? It's just the design of the rifle...

There is a much less stock between the heel of the receiver and the stock on my brothers EBR chassis. It seems to direct the gas right up my nose. The heel sits further down in a GI stock and less gas comes out the back, (more out of the trigger group).

MUCH worse than his other M1A's and the Larue Predatar.

In my experience, a suppressed M1A (or at least one with an AAC 762SD) has alot of back pressure. The more open design of the action means there are lots of outlets for gas to come out of. It also seems to be slightly louder than an AR of the same caliber and WAY louder than a bolt action.

Of course, YMMV and other suppressors may have different results. I don't have experience shooting any other 7.62 suppressors.


New member
Possible explanation: M1A receivers can also be out of spec in that area... I have seen images of brand new SA M1As in
wood & synthetic stocks that show a big gap between the receivers heel and the stock. Your brother may have one of these.

My ChiCom receivers fit tight/flush in EBR stocks and I don't get the blow back that you experience.

Crow Hunter

New member
He has 4 of them. All of them have this to one degree or another. He hasn't tried musical chairs with the stocks though, so some of it could be stock variation as well. I am not sure what generation his EBR chassis is.


New member
So, question that's pretty generic: given a suppressor will run me $1300-$1600 or so it seems given the $200 tax stamp and such, I'm considering just picking up a S&W 1911 scandium frame instead, as well as finally grabbing my CPL in my state (and a matching holster for the gun.) Additionally, I've read a lot of people saying that an M1A is somewhat pointless to suppress.

In everyone's opinion here who HAS suppressed 762 and/or a M1A - was it worth it? Would you recommend another gun, or a suppressor? I mostly shoot at ranges where hearing protection is needed anyway, and on top of that, I've got a 22" barrel, which a suppressor will only make longer, and front heavy.



New member
In my case it was well worth it because I can utilize
a single suppressor on several rifles of different calibers.

Crow Hunter

New member
And how much noise does it drop? Enough that you're OK shooting in the woods with no protection?

All the "BOOM" from the round going off is gone. All you have left is the "CRACK" of the bullet and whatever noise there is from the action cycling and there is a hiss/chuff that is somewhat similar to what you hear in the movies, but much more distinct.

Yes, you could shoot in the woods without needing hearing protection.

The advantage of getting the 7.62 suppressor is that anything of a smaller caliber can also be suppressed with slightly reduced effectiveness as well as suppressing a 30 caliber.

My brother moves his back and forth between his 4 M1As, a SCAR 17, a Larue Predatar .308, a couple of ARs in 5.56, a Savage 110, and his SCAR 16.

All of them can be fired without hearing protection. I usually wear mine though because the "HISS" can be a little piercing (like compressed air) and I am very particular about my hearing.:D

It does make the rifle very front heavy though, not something you would want to be holding in a standing position for a long time.

If you can afford it, I would do it.

If someone came to me right now and said that I could either have a full auto HK416 or a .308 suppressor at no charge but I could never sell it, I would choose the suppressor without a second thought.

They are MUCH more useful.


New member
Well, while I appreciate the input, I ended up picking up a Dan Wesson 1911 tonight. I still would like to suppress my M1A eventually, but I have once shot in the woods, at night with a friend's 1911 suppressed. They don't really let you shoot in the woods around here, and if a cop sees it they don't react well, even if you have a good backstop.

Oh well - time to get used to an officer/commander sized 1911 :)

Thanks again everyone for the input - it's something I'll keep in mind since I still plan to buy one, sometime in the future.

Crow Hunter

New member
If you are trying to keep someone from hearing you shoot in the woods, the suppressor won't help.

Unless you are shooting subsonic rounds, the crack of the round breaking the sound barrier will still be audible. It will be difficult for someone to pinpoint the origination of the shot, but someone would definitely know that a weapon was being fired.

As long as you are shooting on your own property, what business is it of the local police?