M1A in .250 Savage?


New member
How tough and how expensive would it be to assemble an M1A in .250 Savage?

The Savage case has the same head size as the .308, so the bolt ought to work. It should work through the magazine too.

How much would it cost to put a .250 barrel on an M1A action?

Every few years I start thinking about this.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I think I'd contact the Springfield folks about their ideas, for starters. Off the cuff, it could be any special machining on the outside of the barrel that might be a problem for the average gunsmith.

:), Art


New member
Art: They've made M1As in .243 and 7-08, or so I've heard. I didn't hear that they needed anything different on the outside of the barrel when they made those.

I think it would only need a barrel chambered for the .250, and an adjustment to the gas system.