M14/M1A Forums?


New member
Can anyone direct me to any forums dedicated to the M14/M1A? Something similar to AR15.com or FNFAL.com would be helpful. Thanks.


New member
alternately, we could start launching a whole bunch of "fourteen" threads, and see if we can drive all the FAL guys to page 2...:p

(kidding.... KIDDING!) :)



well, mostly.


New member
Instead of a forum you could do a search right here in Art of the Rifle using M1A and come up with 1010 topics as of a few seconds ago. Beau Coups info and some right here already.
If you have a specific question fire away. There are many avid M14/M1A folks right here.


New member

Go to: www.battlerifles.com

This board is dedicated to the M1 & M14 family of rifles with a little bit of M1 Carbine, '03, & 1917 Enfield thrown in.

It is a relatively new board. Participation is still small, but the guys seem friendly and the knowledge base seems very good. I like it.



New member
Go here, and check out the Main Battle Rifle forum....do a search if you don't find anything, I did last night and got some good info from it.

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