M1 vs. SKS


New member
OK, First, I'm not trying to start a "caliber war", but what are the advantages of the M1 Garand over the SKS? I'm lusting after a semi-auto .30 caliber of some kind. Such as the M1 Garand, M1A or the .308 Saiga. Now, I have a SKS that shoots every time . I also hold a C&R license so what are my options? I'm looking for an affordable, detachable magazine, semi-auto rifle.

Dj Dust

New member
It comes down to what is your budget. if you can afford it I say go with the garand. But if you only want to spend a couple hundred you can't beat the Saiga, Mine has been flawless.



The SKS shoots like a cheap milsurp. The M1 shoots like a match rifle. :) The Saiga is also excellent, of course.

And, of course, compared to the 7.62x39, the 30-06 hits like a ton of bricks, so does .308 from the Saiga. There's a 30-06 Saiga as well, for about the same price.


M1...classic well made accurate military rifle with significant collector value designed for well trained riflemen...

SKS....cheaply made Com Bloc shooting tool made in many cases by slave labor firing an intermediate range cartridge, designed for uneducated and poorly trained troops :)



New member
The SKS can be pretty accurate. My late model Rusky did 2 MOA and my current Yugo will do 2 MOA as well. With TechSights, the Yugo has a remarkably stout rifle feeling to it that actually does resemble the M1. In fact, I call it "the poor man's M14." They are reliable in typical Russian fashion and durable enough that you'd have better luck trying to break and anvil. Plus you can buy half a dozen SKS for the cost of your basic M1. However, the cartridge just doesn't have the range or the power of the 7.62x51 or the .30-06. The M1s are accurate and powerful enough to reach out and touch something, and their excellent ergonomics, triggers, and sights make it absurdly easy to do it. The SKS is somewhat unrefined, and, well, it just isn't all the rifle the M1s are. As a rifle, I feel my M1A is just about perfect.

If you have the money, then without a doubt you should own an M1, be it an M1A/M14 or the grandfather M1 Garand. They are sweet shooting rifles. If you want to know how good of a rifleman you can be, and how rewarding an afternoon at the range can be, you owe it to yourself to get one.

If you are just looking for a beater rifle--something that can maybe take a little neglect, something you can throw behind the truck seat or under the bed or wherever, and largely ignore until it is needed, the SKS is your baby. However, if you are looking for detachable magazines, it might be a worthwhile investment in your case to get an AK. In my experience, detachable mags for the SKS are hit-or-miss, and mostly miss. The .308 Saiga you mentioned is an great choice.
I wouldn't call the SKS a "cheaply made" weapon. Their are varying degrees of quality, and I have seen some that look "cheap" (Norincos tend to be some of the cheaper ones), but I've never seen an AK that was nicer than the nicest SKS, and I have seen some nice AK's...

If they were making SKS's today, there's no way they would sell for the prices they sell for today.

chris in va

New member
I'm looking for an affordable, detachable magazine

The Garand is neither affordable nor has a detachable magazine.

Considered a Saiga in 308? Someone mentioned the come in 30'06, but I haven't seen one.


New member
The SKS shoots like a cheap milsurp. The M1 shoots like a match rifle.

Depends a whole lot on the M1. Good ones shoot like dreams, but there are plenty of them out there these days that are definitely not good ones. Those ones shoot like cheap milsurp, but definitely don't cost like a cheap milsurp.


Considered a Saiga in 308? Someone mentioned the come in 30'06, but I haven't seen one.

They exist, and are under $400. They don't seem very popular because the furniture isn't like the others and it only has a three round :confused: magazine.

Hopefully they'll come out with a more standard one closer to the .308 in looks. The .308 is an excellent deal, plus there's the new M model coming out with a new buttstock.

Old wood-stock model:


New wood-stock model:


Note where the trigger is on the new model, too. Looks like it needs no converting. :D


New member
Might also consider a CETME. Semi Auto, .308, usually under $500.

Garands are in pretty high demand right now and going up in $$$$$.

M1A are at least double what a Garand would cost you.


New member
I'd sell my grandma for a nice Garand, but it sounds like a nice Saiga might be right down the OP's alley, like the other folks said.

I'm after one in 7.62x39 myself, so it can share rations with my SKS.... but then I'm sort of a nut for having one cartridge across various platforms.


New member
Go with the M-1 Garand; you won't be dissapointed. I bought one several years ago and it is one of the best shooting rifles I own. Also there is several web sites you can get parts and accessories for it. I don't know if the record still stands but at one time the Garand was rated the best semi-auto rifle you could buy.
Something to keep in mind with the SKS is yes; they do make aftermarket removable high capacity clips for them. However, the gun is not designed for them so they are a pain to use (notice I did not say EASILY removable), and 95% are not designed correctly so they do not even feed right (if at all). If you go an SKS and want a high capacity magazine, pay the $50 and get one USA brand SKS thirty round magazine (make sure it is in the original, hard plastic packaging) and keep three of the original SKS stripper clips around and never take the magazine out. That is what I do, works pretty slick. Shot thirty rounds, strip three of the ten round stripper clips into the high capacity one (using the gun as your guide) and continue shooting.

If you stick to a Russian, E-Germany (good luck finding one) or Chinese type ones they are very well built rifles. I would put them in the same quality of the M1-Garand and better than an M1A. The Yugos and Chinese type two and threes, you could not give me. Romania makes a version too, but I cannot remember if they are the better or crappier quality ones.

Another option that I did not see anybody suggest would be a Ruger Mini-30. The Ruger mini series rifles (14 and 30) are practically downsized M1As (if you look at the actions and bolts you will see why I say that). The Mini-30 shoots 7.62x39 just like the SKS and AKs, and when you find them used are usually not too expensive. I think they also have 10, 20 and 30 round magazines available (maybe even 40s). Brand new, Ruger only offers one configuration so I think the model is on its way out. Another plus is if Ruger does stop making that model completely, you will have a collector’s item on your hands. :D


New member
Depends a whole lot on the M1. Good ones shoot like dreams, but there are plenty of them out there these days that are definitely not good ones. Those ones shoot like cheap milsurp, but definitely don't cost like a cheap milsurp.

+1. The standard of accuracy to be accepted by the military for an M1 is only 4moa. Thats no better than an SKS is, Even the M16 has a 4moa approval. Sure many do better, but most the M1 Garands are rebuilt parts rifles that have been taken down and rebuilt half a dozen times in their service. Some SKS' have been smoothed up with a better trigger group, proper bedding and decent ammo to sub moa.

The Garand is still going to cost you more money and there is a limited supply. They are beloved by Americans because its American. You find that happens alot with any country's own rifles. You going to pay considerably more.

The M1 Garand has the advantage of more powerful ammo, if thats what you need. Just be sure you don't use too heavy a bullet or you end up bending the operating rod and having a 9ib club.

SKS are far cheaper, far more common. Most aren't up to the same standards as the Garands. The very best ones are rather nice though. The ammo is weaker, but capable of doing its job. There is far less recoil. The default sights are no where as good as the M1 Garands so if you do this option invest in a Tech-sight. Maybe bed your rifle properly too. That really helps.


New member
I have a Norinco Model D SKS. It uses the AK type Mag. No problems with mine !! The bolt has to be held open to insert the fresh mag.

I see little comparison between the two.

The Garand is heaver, Longer and much more powerful. A Garand can penetrate a engine block at 1000 yards. A SKS will make a TINK sound if you could hit it.

The Garand uses a spring clip that is fast to load and only holds eight rounds. How ever you will learn all about the term "M1-THUMB"

On the other hand the SKS is light, can support 5 to 30 round mags, and accurate on man size targets up to a couple hundred yards.

Best said! There is a Tool for Every Job! What is your Job???