M1 gas leak


New member
My M1 vents gas around the op rod. You can see the puff of gas come out under the front handguard . Prone firing in the snow there is a spray of snow thrown up. There is soot along the front 6" of the op rod. The piston head measures above the 'field reject' minimum, and the action functions just fine though the accuracy needs work. Is this normal for M1? Or does it mean I need a bigger piston or smaller cylinder?


New member
Gas leak

If you're getting that much gas leakage, I'd suggest a new cylinder, especially if you rod is measuring ok for field use. My rod is brand new in an old cylinder and don't have any of that leakage occuring. Just sounds like the cylinder is worn. That isn't a normal leakage occuring. Even so, the rifle still operates! These were pretty robust designs.



New member

Sounds pretty normal to me. All my Garands do that, even the ones with op-rod pistons and gas cylinders that gauge "new" or close to it. Normal cleaning procedure (for me) is to remove the oprod and clean all the powder soot off it. No biggie.

Your M1 has probably done this all along, you've just never noticed it because, when not shooting prone over snow, the puff of gas is not visible against the dark ground. Also, the snow blowing up catches your eye too...

Does the rifle cycle normally?? If so, don't worry about it.

If it was leaking an excess amount of gas, you'd be getting "short strokes".....



New member
Swampy, I have had some short strokes, but while working up handloads from the low end. But the accuracy is what concerns me...if it functions fine but accuracy is poor, I wonder if this could be part of the problem.
I can't imagine that a rifle whanged out by the millions for combat use would have very close-tolerance fit of something like a gas cylinder. But I do wonder whether progressive slop, though still in spec, could affect grouping.


New member
If the specs on the gas system are Ok, and the rifle functions Ok, there probably isn't a problem. The gas HAS to go SOMEWHERE, and out the rear of the cylinder is the only practical way.

Accuracy could be gas system related, but is most likely related to normal tolerences, and barrel wear. If you want more accuracy, get the NRA reprint on the M1 or Kunhausen's M1/M14 rifle book, and accuraze it.

James K

Member In Memoriam
Hi, Khornet,

Take off your gas cylinder and clean it. Then look into it from the rear and you will see that the rear bottom is "dished". That is to allow a place for the gas to escape to the rear after it has done its work. Gas escape from the rear of the cylinder is normal.

If the rifle functions OK and the piston and cylinder are in spec, there is no problem. As SwampyMO says, you are just now seeing the gas escape because of the white background.



New member
Thank, gentlemen. Makes perfect sense. This is my first M1, as you can see. There's a lot to learn.