M1 Carbine scope mounts


New member
Is there a see-through scope mount for the M1 carbine that allows you to use the iron sights? I would like to try a red-dot scope on my new M1, but still have access to the iron sights.
Hopefully there is one available that does not require you to make
permantant modification to the gun.


Chris Nemeth

El Rojo

New member
I had a red dot on my M1 Carbine. Never liked it totally. The main reason is I think that carbine plauged me since day one. I built that one up from parts. Now it just sits around and collects dust. I think it has a broken extractor. Anyway. I put lock tight on the screw because it came loose once. When it came time to take the scope mount off, I had to drill through and break the screw to get it off. Real bugger to get off.

When it was all said and done, stick with the iron sights. KISS.