M1 carbine any good?


New member
I just fired a M1 carbine, and loved how light, and fast shooting it was! In your opinion, is the .30 carbine cartridge a suitable choice for close range protection? (I own a M1A, and AR, but was interested in one for an alternate backup, or something to hand a friend, ITSHTF) Thanks!

Jack Carson

New member
They are wonderful carbines!

I also have an AR but am looking for an M1 carbine myself. For the bulk of "urban carbine" work, these may be pretty close to ideal. My problem so far has been finding one in good shape that is not overpriced. Keep looking and I'm sure we'll both find one eventually. There are plenty of them out there.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I keep one as the house gun in preference to a number of more powerful rifles. Do a search for the numerous threads on it.

Marko Kloos

New member
They have their limitations, most notably a cartridge that doesn't have a lot of steam left past 200-300 yards, but their usefulness outweighs that shortcoming. (Most "urban" scenarios have engagement ranges of less than 200 yards, anyway.)

Their good sides are light weight, handiness, high capacity, low recoil, good sights, and cheap surplus ammo. Also, they're fun to shoot, and they have history (at least the milsurp ones.) I love mine, and I'd feel well-armed if I had to use it for social work. Ninety rounds on the gun (two 30-rounders connected, and two 15-round spares in the little butt pouch), all in a short and lightweight package that is easy to haul around and shoot.

Last month's SWAT Magazine had a very favorable article on the M1 Carbine. They were much liked by many folks who had to shoot at people for a living.


M1 carbines are very cool little rifles. My dad used to have one, paid like $60. for it way back when. I'd keep it if I had one, but for what they're asking for them now you could buy a SKS or Mini-14, which would fill the same niche and be ballisticlly superior.

There was a big ol' thread recently, (30 carbine for deer?) or something like that.


New member
While the .30 Carbine isn't as effective as a real rifle round, the 110gr SP bullets would certainly be the equal of all but the most powerful of pistol rounds, and the carbine would be a lot easier to hit out to 100 yards and beyond than any pistol.

Byron Adams

New member
A very good discussion of this can be found under search. Put in
"Fighting Rifles:Why not an M-1 Carbine. It had over 150 posts.