M&P, Sig 226 or XD?


New member
looking at the .40 versions of the above.

I shot the M&P and the Sig today, the sig failed to feed 3 times, and failed to lock the slide all but once or twice....now this is a well used and abused range rental, but should I be worried?

the M&P was very nice as well, as everyone has said you pick it up and it just fits, and points very well. my only beef was the front sight dot...well it wasn't there so it was a bit annoying to sight in, not the pistols fault, again a abused and used range weapon.

to go from the long resetting pull of the sig to the short and light pull of the M&P was a little difficult to get use to.

I Haven't shot the XD yet but handling it feels great, seems a bit top heavy, and from what I've heard is snappy for the caliber.

out of these three what are the pros and cons?

Im leaning towards the Sig as of now...



New member
Well I own 3 M&Ps so you could say I'm partial to them. Sigs have a reputation for reliability so depending on the model you could sure do a lot worse. What model Sig?

I'm not a fan of the looks or the high bore axis of the XD but they are good reliable pistols. Basically you'd be in good shape with any of the three.


New member
I can only speak to the rental Sig.

A weak magazine spring or lack of cleaning can impede the operation of both FTF & FTE along with the inability to engage the slide lock consistently. Without examination I would consider the Sig abused and not normally indicative of general Sig quality.


New member
The Sig was probably abused or had real hiccup with that particular ammo. I have 6 Sig and only one (220 in 45acp) has a serious feeding probelm with Blazer Brass. Everything else is fine. My only 40 Sig (P229) eats everything with no probelm! My only M&P is a 40 and like my P229 hasn't hiccuped on anything. My XD 40 Tactical is relatively new and only has had a diet of white box Winchester 180s and is doing fine. Like the fine gentleman in the previous post said they are all quality guns and do you no harm if you keep them in good shape.


New member
I own the XD-45 compact and the sig P220 .

The XD has a very soft recoil for a .45. I love the P220 but prefer the magazine capacity of the XD. Both are great pistols.

whoops, sorry, I didnt see you were looking for 40's DOH!


New member
Yeah, I'm betting that Sig was a lemon and was beat on too much, or something. Sig's are known for great reliability. I'd pick an NIB Sig over the other models you mentioned, personally. That's just me, though. To each his own. ;)

I'd go with .357 SIG round, since it's been said that the bottleneck cartridge can be more reliable feeding than a straight necked cartridge, like .40.

Just what I'm hearing more and more these days. ;)


New member
Range guns are often shot until they fail to feed or extract so frequently that the renter complains. Not a good practice in my opinion...as most renters are test driving the guns to see if they want to buy. I have two Sigs (which I keep clean) and they are awesome in terms of reliability and accuracy.


New member
thanks for the replies guys, I wasn't to worried, but as Dabull said when testing out a pistol its not a big + when you have to keep doing failure drills.

the one thing I didn't like was the really long reset on the sig, there was more than once where I didn't let it reset all the way and got a "click" instead of a bang. thats me just not use to the trigger I suppose.

but the sig was great for me, extremely easy to point and POI was spot on... MP was good as well but didn't get enough time with it (buddy rented it) and the no front site dot was annoying.

I'll make a decision on wed. after shooting the XD.



New member
The SIG was most likely maintained improperly.

I would highly recommend the SIG, but I am biased. The best advice, in my opinion, is to buy the one best fits your hand. You really can't go wrong with any of the choices.


New member
It sounds like you got a trashed Sig that wasn't maintained very well. I'm also assuming you got a DAO or DAK Sig.

I only have experience with the XD & Sig. There's honestly no real comparison there. The XD is *slightly* easier to carry for a CCW. The DAK trigger is nice (never tried a DAO) but you really owe it to yourself to try a traditional DA/SA Sig. The first pull will be longer & heavier but the follow up shots are butter with a short, crisp, light pull with no creep.

Both of them are great guns but you're really looking at 2 different categories. One is a great combat handgun that is good for CCW, range, or HD. The other is a great handgun that goes beyond your typical combat handguns in overall quality & accuracy. It does all the above equally as well other than being slightly more difficult to carry concealed. It also carries a much higher price tag unless you're looking at CPOs.


New member
dave it was a typical da/sa it seemed to me after the SA pull the trigger has a long reset...trigger pull was fine however.

shooting the XD on wed. it might come down to me being able to get the MP and XD for much cheaper...

I can get both around $375 NIB.:cool:

the sig would be around 600....hard to even compare these pistols now I think about it.



New member
"shooting the XD on wed. it might come down to me being able to get the MP and XD for much cheaper...

I can get both around $375 NIB.

the sig would be around 600....hard to even compare these pistols now I think about it."

Nothing wrong with that. Why pay more when you can get satisfactory performance for less. The XD has "snappier" recoil because the bore is higher above the web of the hand.

I started out convinced I was going to buy a Sig till I handled the M&P. Couldn't see spending almost twice as much. I'm very happy with my M&P.


New member

the only thing I'm not really in favor of the M&P is the DAO trigger, albeit its one of the nicest ones I've ever shot. the magazine disconnect as well.




the only thing I'm not really in favor of the M&P is the DAO trigger, albeit its one of the nicest ones I've ever shot. the magazine disconnect as well.


The M&P's trigger is quite good, and easy to get used to once you shoot it a bit. As far as the magazine disconnect safety goes, S&W has M&P models that don't have that feature. You can buy the gun both without the mag safety, and also without the key lock. That is how my M&P is configured. Just check the S&W website for details.

I bought my M&P from Bud's Gun Shop:


Like the others have stated, I also love shooting my M&P. It is a 40c compact model. If you plan to use this gun for concealed carry, then it is definitely the model to get. Otherwise, if it is more for home protection, get the full size model.


Smith and Wesson has a new rebate program starting next week on May 15th. If you buy a M&P starting on that date, you can qualify to get two extra magazines mailed to you at no charge. Again, see the S&W website for details.