M&P reliability?


New member
How reliable is the M&P (esp in 9mm)? I’m thinking of picking one up...

I’m shooting reloads $95% of the time and make one ammo for all my nines. :) How picky is the gun about ammo?


New member
I've had the full size 9mm for 5 months. I've done the minor trigger job, and a little polishing here and there. I've put WWB , Remington, Hornady, Blazer, and some reloads thru it, and it ate them all up. In over 1000 rounds, 1 FTE. And I think it was more me.


New member
My wife has a M&P9c with around 1000 rounds, and zero malfunctions of any kind. Most of that is WWB, but I also tried some HydraShok 124gr, HST 124gr, and Gold Dot (124gr+P, and 147gr). Unlike my toddler, it does not seem to be a picky eater. ;)


New member
M&p 40

Little more bang for the buck, vs. the 9mm. Like mine very much, has never puked on any ammo including lead reloads so far. Performs and deals with recoil very well.

Boone Hillbilly

New member
I have had mine for about 6 months as well and love it. My local shop had it for about480 so I had to snatch it up.. Looking for the 45 to be released.. Also thinking about picking up thr M&P Ar-15:)


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Like Rugerfreak says, you can get them w/o the mag safety, or the internal safety lock. Or you can disable the mag safety yourself, it's about a 15 min. job.


New member
I've had the full size 9mm for 5 months. I've done the minor trigger job, and a little polishing here and there. I've put WWB , Remington, Hornady, Blazer, and some reloads thru it, and it ate them all up. In over 1000 rounds, 1 FTE. And I think it was more me.
How do you cause a FTF? Were you blocking the travel of the slide with your body or a barricade? I don't consider "limp wristing" to be a valid excuse. I can take my Beretta M9 and hold it with my thumb and middle finger while pulling the trigger with my index finger and it will work 100% of the time. That's how it should be... if a gun FTF because you didn't have a solid grip on it, there's something wrong with the gun.

So, how do you feel you caused the FTF?


New member
Sturm I'm with you on the subject of limp wristing. I remember when i rented a ParaOrdance P12 and a 9mm version. The people said we were limp wristing thats reason why it was FTF. When 4 indivuals have the same problem it aint my wrist. My Glock has been shoot upside down; sideways; one handed; two handed; and so on. Shot by male/female; experienced/novice. Even though I noticed when I'm trying to unchamber a round if I push my gripping hand forward while holding the slide the round will fall through the open mag well instead of flipping in the air.


New member
1600rnds out of my M&P40 and not one problem. I still have not cleaned it yet. I want to see how long it goes before i have a problem. I love mine!!


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At the risk of jumping into a holy-war, isn't a polymer gun is more susceptible to limp-wristing, in general, than a metal framed gun, due to the lower mass and to a lesser degree, frame flex?

Having said that, my wife has managed to get a few stovepipes with my G19 (fixed by a better grip), but never on her M&P9c.

Edit to add: Yes, I think it's a grossly overused excuse for what are often really mechanical issues.
As to the safety question, there's an optional lock (internal disconnect?), and also an optional mag safety.

My wife's has the mag safety, but not the lock. With the mag safety, you can pull the trigger without the magazine inserted, but it does not engage the trigger bar so the gun will not fire. You can get them with or without that 'feature'. There's apparently a way to disable this safety, which I'm pretty sure is on S&W's website. I can see why someone might not want this safety, but it doesn't seem to be a big deal, personally.


New member
I picked up an M&P 40 last month and have only gotten to shoot it once, so I won't speak prematurely on its reliability.

However, I love this gun! I put 100 rounds down range, and every one was a pleasure. It manages the 40 recoil very well, and is very accurate. The grip is awesome, along with the fit and finish.

I really like the Melonite on stainless treatment, along with the frame texture. It just looks and feels like a well made gun.


New member
At the risk of jumping into a holy-war, isn't a polymer gun is more susceptible to limp-wristing, in general, than a metal framed gun, due to the lower mass and to a lesser degree, frame flex?
The short answer is no.

The mass that's important is the mass of the slide, the frame doesn't reciprocate.

As for the flex, I'm not sure why you would think a few thousands of an inch in flexing would cause a failure to feed or extract. Anyway, most of the flex occurs when the slide abruptly stops its rearward motion by impacting the frame. Having flex here is actually desirable in that it reduces felt recoil and it spares the frame any undue stress.

If a gun fails to cycle and feed properly, regardless of how you hold it, there is something mechanically wrong with the firearm (poor design or perhaps a manufacturing flaw).