M&P Ejectors: Big Difference


New member
Hi all,
So, in a recent thread I talked about some issues I had with a new M&P 9c. Well I like the gun so much, and my wife does too, that I made a trade and got another one to use when the malfunctioning one goes back to S&W :eek:. This one runs like a top without a single brass case to the face. So I started wondering why.

Both extracted fine, so I looked at the ejectors, and boy oh boy are they different. See the attached picture. The one in the front is the malfunctioning M&P with the one in the back being the functioning one. It seems pretty obvious why. The one in the front looks like it was designed by a high school shop student. The one in the back looks like it was designed by an actual engineer. As a note the malfunctioning M&P has a date of December 2011 with the functioning M&P having a date of March 2013 (fresh out of the oven).

Is this simply a difference between ejector designs that evolved over time? Or is it possible the malfunctioning ejector somehow didn't make it through some finishing stages? At least I think I have some direction to give the smiths at S&W when I send the malfunctioning one back.



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New member
Those look very different. Not only in the shape of the ejector, but the entire fire control system looks like it has evolved over the years.

There is that crossbar that sits behind the ejector on the newer version that seems to be missing in the older. Also, the scallop behind the ejector is quite a bit different.

I wonder if they can update the older gun.


New member
Mine looks like the front but works perfect in my experience.

Hmm, maybe there goes that theory. Is yours a 9mm as well?

What's the red?

Grease on the rails.

There is that crossbar that sits behind the ejector on the newer version that seems to be missing in the older. Also, the scallop behind the ejector is quite a bit different.

You're right, I didn't see that at first. Pretty crazy as the "older" one is really only a year and half behind.


New member
M&P 9C

That's very interesting. I had to send mine in last week for the same problem. It was made in January. They received it Thursday so we will see what happens. Glad you have a working model.


New member

Not all M&P's have ejection problems. I have had a few M&P's in various calibers going back a couple of years. They all worked well with no ejection problems. I now have an M&P Professional C.O.R.E. (Competition Optic Ready Equipment) in 9mm that I've put a J-Point Micro Red Dot on. I've got close to 2K rounds through it with no hiccups of any kind. It is accurate and reliable in both feed and ejection. The pre machining of the slide to accept the new generation of micro red dots is a huge PLUS. And it comes with several mounting plates for the major makers optics (these plates run approx. $50 each if purchased separately). Also comes with coupons for as much as 50% off from micro red dot makers. I think all these things together make the M&P Pro CORE a solid value.


New member

TunnelRat, I'm sorry if I sounded corrective. I did not mean it that way at all. The internet does not show voice inflection or anything else. I was just saying that some work well. I do apologize and shouldn't have replied anyway as it was "off thread".


New member
No you are fine in posting. :) You are right that not all M&Ps have this problem. If I didn't believe so I wouldn't have bought a second M&P 9c. ;) But it does seem that a few do. My curiosity comes from whether or not the evolution of the ejector design, over time, has had a positive impact on that.

James K

Member In Memoriam
S&W does make changes when they become aware of a problem, though they don't always broadcast the fact. That is why it is important to make the factory (S&W or anyone else) aware of trouble. If, as often happens, someone posts that his XYZ Model X is no good and he won't buy another XYZ product, but won't return the gun to the factory. So if enough owners are that way, the factory never finds out that there is a problem and so can't correct it.



New member
If, as often happens, someone posts that his XYZ Model X is no good and he won't buy another XYZ product, but won't return the gun to the factory. So if enough owners are that way, the factory never finds out that there is a problem and so can't correct it.

Bingo. I think it's always worth giving the manufacturer the chance. As I've stated in previous threads, no manufacturing is process and there will be problems. A design may be great but a faulty part is a faulty part. Give the company a chance to make it right.