M&P 9mm: What would you do in this situation? Keep or Sell?


New member
Just hear me out:

About 2 months ago I purchased a M&P 9mm from jetguns for $439. I have since been curious about the M&P 40 compact as I can convert to 9mm if I really want the versatility, but to really have a smaller gun to CCW. I've also been looking for a good deal on a M&P 45 or a Glock 23 Gen4.

Well, my friend's dad shot my M&P 9mm and fell in love with it. So much in fact that he offered me $50 more than what I paid for it. He said that even if he paid more than what I did originally for it that it was still cheaper than our local gunshops and there was no tax.

What would you do in this situation?

A) Sell the 9mm and make a profit?

B) Keep the 9mm and save up for another purchase?

Uncle Malice

New member
This is really up to you. I love the M&P (once they've had the Apex kit installed).

I have owned the full size 9, 40, and 45, as well as the compact in both 9 and 40. I preferred the 9 compact. The 40 just felt weird when it recoiled - and I have no issues with 40 recoil, as I have a bunch of them. I just liked the compact 9 a lot.

In the full size gun, both the 9 and 40 are superb shooters.

You could sell him the gun, and order the compact from Jet Guns and it would be just like a trade... then you could always buy another full size if you want to down the road....

Don Glock

if you want something else, i would sell. $50 more than you paid is a good thing. if you love it, keep it.

i'm thinking you don't love it, or else you wouldn't be contemplating this deal. :)


New member
I have an M&P40, and love it. I can't speak on the compact version, never had the opportunity to shoot one. Usually with firearms, I tend to stay away from trading/selling; but thats just me personally. I'd say if you don't like the M&P9, and you've got the chance to come out a little better than breaking even, then go for it.


New member
Another thing to consider is the lack of availability of M&P's with the current overseas orders (Belgium and Australia).


New member
Thanks so far everyone for you input. I guess greed is getting the better of me. I figured at the least I could sell it, make $50, and buy another one just like it. But then I got to thinking about the 40 and 45 versions that I've had my eye on. I may just keep the full sized 9mm for now and save up for the compact 40 or a Glock.


New member
I'd keep it. If you wait a couple years it'll go up more in value than the $50 you are currently being offered. I love my M&Ps and I know I'd regret it if I sold it.


New member
Keep in mind that the .40 ammo is a bit higher priced on average than 9mm. It is also a bit snappier to shoot. Neither are major drawbacks, just things to consider.


New member
Good bye

I have a M&P 9 and really don't care for it, however I also don't sell or trade away my guns. I would say sell it only if you can't afford the new gun without the additional money. I'm also not a big fan of compacts and the full size M&P really doesn't seem that big to me.
I sold my m&p 9 and bought a xd45. Haven't regreted that choice at all. I have noticed here in my area the used m&ps sell fairly cheap. But the choice is all up to you


New member
Pistols like M&P's aren't known for being investment pistols and usually have a resale value chart that looks like someone lightly tossed a rock. If it were me having any lusty desires towards a different pistol/platform and buying it outright and having both wasn't an option, I'd sell the M&P for a profit quicker than the guy could get the money out, and go get the platform I wanted. Probably the last time you'll ever have a chance to sell it for a profit. There will always be another M&P available, used or not. That's just what I would do.
Good luck with your decision!


New member
Hey, Sarge43, just curious - with the uptick in interchangeable backstrap pistols, are you ever going to try to make any custom backstraps?

Not being skilled at woodworking myself, I have no idea if that's even possible... But now that I'm not carrying the CBOB with your grips on it so often, I was kind of curious as to whether you'll ever try making them for the M&P.


New member
I own an M&P 40 Pro (5" barrel). I purchased it for $569. I also bought a 9mm conversion barrel with 2 mags & a 357sig barrel. Granted, I didn't buy the stuff to resell, but if I had to liquidate all of it right now then I would lose a lot of money on the total I have spent. I'm sure many of us don't buy guns with resale values in mind, some do (probably the smart ones). If I did look at resale values I would not have purchased any of my guns. I've collected working guns to protect myself & my family & they all have depreciated over the time I've owned them...some more than others (like the Sigma:eek:). If I had bought my 11 guns to resell and make money on I probably would be in better financial condition right now.

Keep the M&P if you really like it &/or you need it to protect yourself. Sell the gun for a profit if you bought it on a whim and it's just going to be a safe queen or a range gun. Not many M&P's are bought new from a dealer and flipped for a profit. Hey that's my take on it anyway...


New member
Local dealers have the M&P for around $550 +/- $25. As stated, I purchased mine online for $439 and there are plenty more in stock. When I picked mine up at the FFL, he told me he couldn't even get it that cheap!