M&P 45 is a keeper.

Well I finally took the M&P 45 out and fired 450 rounds through it. 400 were win white box 230 gr. fmj and 50 were wwb 230 JHP and all of them cycled through the gun without a problem. I fired from 10 to 25 yards changing it up every 2 mags.

I Love the fit and feel of the gun. Like I said in an early post I had a hard time getting use to the trigger. I have gotten over it now and the trigger feels very natural now and has smoothed out a lot. Its seems to break a little lighter now too.

I found that the 3 different grips were very important too. I actually found the small grip to be the most comfortable but when I shot with it my shots were about 6 inches to the left. With the medium grip I was shooting pretty much center but a little low. I ended up finding that I shot better with the large grip Impacts were dead on with the front sight. By the way all three grips felt good in my hand, the small one felt better but I shot better with the large, makes sense since I do have fairly large hands.

Felt recoil was a little snappier than my 1911 but not too bad and muzzle flip was minimal. Once I warmed up the the gun doing double taps, triple taps and running the gun dry as fast as I could was a breeze. Yea every once and a while I would have a flier but I could feel the flier as soon as I did it. In slow fire it would burn one ragged hole at all ranges out to 25 yards.

It may not be the same for everyone but this was the hardest handgun for me to get use to. The day I shot it I also shot my glocks, berreta 92, SA 1911 loaded, Smith 686, ruger super blackhawk, and my friends XD 45. I transitioned through all of these guns no problem, but once I picked up the M&P 45 I was all over the place and was very unhappy with the gun. After sleeping on it and deciding that I was judging the gun too soon the next day I went out with the 450 rounds and shot them all. I actually love this gun now It just took a little to get use to.

Well these are the two targets from the 450 rounds not too great but not bad and as we speak I am hand loading more rounds to practice with so my groups should get tighter. I am also going to load up some gold dots and give them a try.

I highly recommend the gun and if you get one make sure you test shoot all three grips and give it some time if you have some problems with the trigger like I did. You will work them out, it might just be me too.




New member
Ah yes, another convert to the world of the M&P.

I have 2 M&P's myself. A M&P9 and an M&P9c. Haven't shot my compact yet, but will this week probably. If it's half the gun the full size is, I'm gonna love it. My full size is awesome. I haven't shot at over 12 yards yet with it, and right now at 3, 7, and 12 yards, it tears the center out of targets all day long.

The compact will be my carry gun once I get my CCW, which will be this spring or summer. I just have to find a place that does a sunday CCW class since I am at work or school the other 6 days of the week right now.


New member
Glad to hear you like yours. I have a M&P 9 that I find to be very easy to shoot. About 600 rounds thru mine with zero problems. I'm not a great shot, but I can hit where I aim pretty well with it and follow up shots are not too difficult.

Now, if I can find the side of a barn with my 1911, then maybe I have a chance of hitting that. :eek: I shoot the M&P just fine, the 1911 not so much. Oh well, that just means more practice! :D


New member
Congrats! I bought an M&P 9 as my first "plastic" gun. I liked it so well I got the 9 compact. The .45 may be in my future as well.


New member
Let me ask you a question concerning the magazine release button: Of the few specimens of this model I've handled, all of them release the mag with just the slightest touch of the button. To me, this is a little unsettling, and seems to be (at least partly) the source of some of the "mag-popping-out-while-firing" problems that early M&P's experienced. I wanted to ask how you feel about YOUR model's mag/mag-release? Is it sturdy? Do the mags stay in place? You mentioned having no problems, so I'm hoping these bugs are a thing of the past.


New member
the source of some of the "mag-popping-out-while-firing" problems that early M&P's experienced
The mag drop issue in some early M&P were mainly caused by two issues. An improperly hardened (too soft) mag release, or an improperly formed channel/pocket for the release. Both solved long ago. I have a M&P45 and an M&P9c and I haven't had a problem.


New member
I've owned the M&P 40 for just under a year now and picked up the M&P 45 a couple of weeks ago. Both are excellent guns.

Will eventually spring for the M&P 45C when it's available and I have the money.

Silver-Bullet I believe that I actually have one of the earlier runs serial # MPR#### and I actually have a total of about 500 rounds through it. The mag does release fairly easily but in the 500 rounds that I fired I never once had a problem with the mag releasing. The only problem I had and I have it with all semi auto hand guns except 1911's is that I have long freakin thumbs. When I shoot I like hold them up high so they run up along the slide,(its comfortable for me), and on the last round some times my right thumb pushes down on the slide stop and it won't lock back on the last shot. I do this with my Beretta 92, xd's and glocks except my G27 for some reason. It really doesn't bother me because I can still tell that I'm empty so I just pop in another mag and rack the slide.
A good CCW holster?

Does anyone here know of a good concealment holster for the M&P 45? I want something that an untucked T-shirt could cover and I don't mind Inside the waistband holsters.