M&P 45 Compact - First Impressions


New member
I recieved my M&P 45 Compact last week and ran 200 rounds thru it.

I have to say I very much like this pistol, and will make it my EDC

Anyone that wants to get a 45 compact for IWB CCW, should put this on their list to consider

The recoil is amazingly soft........ a fraction above a 9mm

Excellent Firepower
Excellent Size for CCW
Excellent Reliability
Made in the USA


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New member
Congradulations on the purchase of a fine handgun. :)

I have a M&P service model, in 9mm and absolutely love it. It's impressed me enough to purchase another M&Pc, in the same caliber. I don't have it, yet, but it should be here in the next week or so.

I considered getting it in 45acp, but recently shot a Glock 36 and didn't care for the recoil of a large caliber in a small handgun. :p However, I've heard better things from those that have owned/fired the M&P, in 45acp.



New member
For Bowhunter, I own an M&P 45c as well and it shoots like a champ. The felt recoil is very little, especially considering its a 45 ACP. I recomend giving it a try. The g36 is literally a block, more so then most glocks because of its thinner frame, yet still very long in the handle(from backstrap to frontstrap). Makes it very uncomfortable to hold. The M&P is the opposite, it has a very natural grip, and points naturally as well. It is my favorite pistol, I plan on adding a 9c to the collection very soon.

To the OP, have fun shooting your new pistol sir.


I've got an M&P 45, full size, and I love it as well. I wouldn't feel comfortable carrying it, but that's just me (I don't like striker fired for conceal carry). Shoots great though! AND, it's FAR better looking than those black blocks from Austria ;-)

Roland Thunder

New member
I have an M&P 45c as well and the recoil is not bad at all for a smaller frame 45. I traded a Glock 23 for it and find the M&P is more pleasant to shoot and is easier to control.

Mine is rather fussy about feeding reloads but does fine with factory ammo


New member
I have had mine for over a year now ,and it is my daily CCW .the Apex DECAK did wonders for the trigger and accuracy .The stock trigger in mine was too stiff for my taste.


New member
Congrats. I love M&P's. I owned and carried both a full size M&P9 and M&P40. unfortuantely I traded them, but in the future I will be getting a compact M&P for sure. it has been one of the best handguns i've owned.

happy shooting!