M&P .40 or .45?


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I'm going to have some extra cash in a few weeks and my handgun collection is almost complete with my "must haves". An M&P is next. I'm completely confident in the capabilities of both calibers, but can't decide withthe M&P which to get. I will add it to my carry rotation and it will be a compact. Does anyone have experience with both of the calibers in an M&P, and if so which do you prefer and why? Thanks in advance for any feedback.

Lurky BoDean

New member
I've never shot either in a M&P, but I've had my eye on one for about 2 years. Personally (and this is me speaking), I would go with the .40 since that is the round Smith and Wesson designed, and plus, .40 rounds are cheaper unless you reload; however, I know you can't go wrong with either, and good luck deciding.


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I have not tried the 40. But the 45 is one of the best 45 Ive handled out of hk, sig, glock and various 1911. Certain platforms (regardless to whatever caliber they were initially designed with) match perfectly with a caliber. The MP45 is veeery fast handling gun


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I had them both, and they are both excellent handguns. I still have and carry the .40. The .45 is a large pistol, and the magazines are also large. Carrying the .45 and two magazines was doable, but just a little too bulky for me.

Great handgun though.


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I have shot an M&P .40 but not an M&P .45. for me the .40 cartridge doesn't offer enough advantage over the 9mm to justify it in my mind which is why I only have 9's and .45's. So I say .45. I have thought about getting the M&P .45 a few times but I think I'll end up going glock instead since I already have 2 and it's a platform I'm familiar with and shoot well and from a practical standpoint I prefer to not have a lot of different guns. Although having a wide variety is more fun:D


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My XD40 is a sub compact. My only compact .45 is an HK USP. Is the M&P compact .45 smaller than the USP?

The M&P 45C is barely larger than the XD40SC. I compared them side-by-side, the wife's XD to my M&P. Width is about the same, the M&P's slide looked a little thinner, height is the same, and the M&P's slide/barrel was a little longer (due to longer barrel).


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I can only speak on behalf of the M&P 40c and the Fullsize M&P 9mm (I know we aren't talking 9mm). This is completely my biased opinion (sound familar TFL??) but the M&P line of pistols is very fast becoming the best line of pistols out there... And they are AMERICAN! Just yesterday, I spoke to a gentlemen and his mid 20's son and both had purchased M&P's (1 full-size 40 and 1 compact 40). I know a couple guys that bought M&P's and compared them to their Glocks. Those guys are now CC their new M&P's over their previous Glocks. I say buy and buy with confidence. I carry .40 but that's my personal preference.
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My first experience with handguns was a coworker's M&P 45. Based on that, I soon purchased an M&P 40. Having shot both, I can say that they are both fine weapons. I chose 40 only to save a bit on ammo cost. Now that I'm reloading, I probably could be shooting either one for virtually the same cost. I know that doesn't help you pick, but really, you can't go wrong with either one.


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I'm not a big fan of the .40 caliber altogether. Snap's and pushes a bit like a 9mm and a .45... Not saying that if I fired a .40 for a few months I wouldn't get used to it... There's just something about a .45 that I absolutely love. Plus the .40 is a much higher pressure cartridge which can be dangerous if you're using it to carry and re-chambering rounds (set-backs resulting is case failures can destroy a handgun)... this is true for any round but a .45 is loaded to a much lower pressure.. Also the .40 is not that much cheaper than a .45... around me a box of 50 of .40 is about $16.50 and box a 50 for 45 is about $18

now for the gun..

I've fired and M&P .45 and I was very accurate with it and it felt great in the hands. The trigger felt nice and the slide cycles smoothly. I didn't buy one because I didn't like the 10 rd capacity when many other companies offer more... But if you want an M&P then the .45 is definitely my suggestion


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The M&P9c holds 12+1rds in states where reduced-capacity mags aren't required. Also, full-size M&P mags will fit in the compact pistols, although the mag body will protrude below the grip unless you buy an aftermarket grip adapter.

Also, since this hasn't been mentioned yet, be aware that the entire M&P45 grip frame is slightly larger than the frames of the M&P9, M&P40, and M&P357; the latter three are all the same. This fact is not mentioned prominently in S&W sales literature or most reviews of the pistols. That said, you generally have to be handling the pistols side-by-side to notice the difference.


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The .40.

If you buy a 9mm barrel, you can shoot 9mm out of it even using the .40 mags (9mm mags are more reliable of course). You can do the same with .357 sig.

You cant convert the 9mm or 45 to anything. (maybe .22 not sure).


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Therealkoop has some good points.

I have the M&P 9c. I like it. I wish I had gotten the .40c instead for his reasons: it could be a 3 caliber frame.

I have the M&P .45. I like it. I wish the .45c were for sale in California, but that isnt going to happen, so I can't get it.

IF I could, I might not have gotten the FS M&P .45.

The .40c is the same frame as the .9c, so I know it is VERY concealable. It feels great in my hand. But I haven't shot the .40c, so I can't compare how it feels under fire.

I am not a huge .40 fan, as I like the 9 and .45 recoil characteristics better. But, if this is REALLY for carry and I wanted a .40 or greater caliber, I'd get the .40c, it just carries better and you get at least one more round [.45c = 8, I believe .40c = 10]. Oh, and the .45c seems to be almost exactly the same size as a Glock 19, whereas the .40c is definetly smaller.

For defensive purposes, a well designed 9mm shot into the right location beats a well-designed .40S&W round that I miss the target with, so I picked the 9c.

I just wish I'd thought of the conversion potential first!


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For a post about a 10/22 go to forum homepage. Drop down to section titled art of the rifle and click on it. Toward the top of the page, right above the existing threads you will see a button titled new threads, Click it and your in business.
I'm a little lost here are you folks saying they have conversion kit for the m&p or the mags hold different caliber rounds or both.I'm actually considering this firearm.:confused:


New member
Either way it is hard to go wrong. I admit I would take the .45 over the .40 based solely on personal preferance. Nothing wrong wtih either caliber.

Though if you are one that likes convertability the .40 can be changed to .357 Sig with a barrell change.

The .45 is on a slightly wider frame than the rest of the M&P family.


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The M&P357 and M&P40 take the same mags because the diameter and overall length of the two rounds are almost exactly the same. The 9mm mags are different.

FWIW the M&P357 is often less expensive because of generally low market demand. CDNN is currently selling them for $399. :D