M&P 22 Magazines (where?)


New member
I bought a S&W M&P-22 mid-April, and I've been well pleased with it so far. It came with only one magazine, so I shopped around for more -- no one had any in stock, so finally I just ordered a couple from the S&W website (at top price), figuring that the company would surely have them. When I heard nothing from S&W for a couple of weeks, I called to ask about my order; nice young fellow told me they were out of stock, no idea of when my order would be filled. I waited a couple weeks longer, called again; still out of stock, but "may be available" early-mid June.

This just puzzles me -- I can understand magazines getting scarce for discontinued pistols (I bought six for my SD-9 for that very reason), but the M&P 22 has been in inventory for about a year (more?), seems to be fairly popular. Why would the magazines be so scarce? Do the firearms manufacturers not realize customers might want/need more than one magazine? Apparently no one has been making any of them. I certainly hope my one magazine doesn't break or get lost(!)


New member
I now have multiple magazines for all my firearms, why makers continue to package only one magazine with anything is a mystery to me. Even a bolt turner becomes a "club" without a magazine. My new practice is to ask before I close the deal if they have a second magazine for the firearm and take it home with the gun. And to prevent the unscrupulous from parting out the extra magazine, the makers need to spell out, in large letters, that the shooting kit includes a spare magazine.


New member
I feel your pain,,,

I certainly hope my one magazine doesn't break or get lost(!)

Best reason to own revolvers I've ever seen. :eek:

But seriously, I do understand your dilemma.

Back in the dark ages before the internet,,,
I was given an older Beretta .22 pistol with no magazine,,,
I spent years trying to find one through the old newspaper style gun magazines.

I eventually traded the gun for something or other,,,
It was a shame as it was in otherwise excellent condition,,,
But without a magazine it was a very slow loading single-shot gun.

The reality of magazine availability is a real consideration when considering a handgun purchase,,,
One drop on a hard surface could conceivably render your fine pistol useless.

About a year ago I was all hot to get a new Wolverine .22 pistol,,,
But when the Evil Pawn Shop Guy called to make my order,,,
They said they could ship the pistol but no extra mags.

It only ships with one magazine and I wanted to purchase at least two extras,,,
We got the same reply you received from S&W, "Out of stock and no expected date for delivery."

Because of that I declined to order the pistol.




New member

Thanks for the link -- seems like I checked that site before, but today it claims 75 available. I just placed an order for a couple of mags.

UPDATE: On 6/1st I received notice from .44mag that my order has shipped (good service) -- then on 6/2nd S&W notified me that my order with them has also shipped(!)

My new practice is to ask before I close the deal if they have a second magazine for the firearm and take it home with the gun.

If it's a pistol I've researched and decided to buy, my research now includes checking availability of magazines. For impulse/spur-of-the-moment buys, I like this idea.
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New member
If it's a pistol I've researched and decided to buy, my research now includes checking availability of magazines.
It's a good thing you figured this out before you bought a Walther TPH, a Beretta 82, or a Nambu without a magazine... a single mag for one of these guns can cost more than an inexpensive used pistol! :eek: