M&P 2.0 compact review

Pistola Pedro

New member
For potential buyers who want some good feedback. There are a ton of reviews out there and this is just one now data point but I shoot A LOT!

I've got a hair over 1k rounds through mine. I've had zero failures of any kind and have used all kinds of ammo from nice hollow points to cheap steel cased stuff. Reliability is there.
The trigger is okay but I'll replace it. The break is fairly crisp and reset is quick, but it's much heavier than I like ( I shoot a lot of competitions and like my triggers around 2lbs). I'll replace it at the same time I change out the sights (stock sights work fine, but hard to go fast without some Dawsons)
The grip stippling, handling characteristics and recoil management are all top notch. You will be hard pressed to find a 9mm that I haven't shot a lot and this one is my favorite of all of the "production" guns. That's not to say it's the best at any one thing. It's very fast and ergonomic which are important factors to me. Accuracy is pretty good but doesn't match my competition guns (that'd be nearly impossible from a gun this small)
Takedown, aftermarket stuff, magazine compatibility, are all big pluses here as well.
If you're thinking about it, buy it. You don't need the bigger model. This one will clear a plate rack from the draw at 10 yards in just a touch over 3 seconds for me with factory ammo. The gun won't hold you back.
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New member
Since there are a small percentage of shooters on this forum who are interested in a two pound trigger pull, it would have been more appropriate to comment on the standard factory trigger pull. Same applies to the factory sights.

In spite of this, your time and effort is appreciated.

Pistola Pedro

New member
Did I not comment on the factory trigger and sights??? Seems like I did. There always has to be someone who tries to critique a review on this forum. Not sure what value you guys think you're adding.


New member
My factory stock M&P 2.0 compact has a trigger that breaks at 5 lb. 8.2 oz in a five pull average on a Lyman digital gauge. It has what is to me a clean break after a bit of travel, not much overtravel at all (as a function of the longer takeup), and a reset that might be a bit longer than some others but nothing overly noticeable. I'm still not a huge fan of the hinged trigger but other than that it's definitely better than the early Gen 1 M&Ps and to me certainly serviceable. I don't find it's leaps and bounds better than the later M&P Gen 1 triggers, but I didn't mind those triggers at all. Stock sights are steel 3 dot with a ledge on the rear sight for one handed manipulation. I prefer a two dot or black rear and bright colored front, but for out of the box they're certainly fine and the front dot seems to be easy to focus on.

There always has to be someone who tries to critique a review on this forum. Not sure what value you guys think you're adding.

Relax. This is a forum not a blog, more of a two-way conversation. You'll get responses that might seem critical at times.
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Pistola Pedro

New member
I agree with the conversation part, but if I'm in a conversation with someone, I expect them to listen before trying to respond. Just my $.02. I only come here to post reviews for new people getting their start with guns, because this was a good site for me when I was new and I'm trying to pay it forward. Seems to me that if you don't like a review, it would make the most sense to PM a question or just let it go instead of antagonizing someone who is trying to add something other than "9mm or .45?".

Anyway, buy the 2.0 compact and you'll have a great shooting pistol.


New member
Nice write up.
I have came to about the same conclusion on the shoot-ability of the compact guns. I shoot defensive pistol match's also. I shoot my Glock 23 about as well as I do my Glock 35.

Bob R


New member
I don't really think he was trying to antagonize you, but if that's how you see it.

I agree with you in that it seems a solid pistol. I imagine it will be a good seller for them.
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New member
You need to chill-out Pedro.

If you took my comment as trying to antagonize you, gun forums are not the place for you.

Pistola Pedro

New member
You need to chill out pedro

Fair enough. Not like it's a big deal. I think you have to admit that your first comment made a gripe about something that I had covered though.
If reading comprehension ain't your thing, gun forums aren't the place for you. (YouTube) ;). Being an old Navy guy earns you a free pass though.

Viper225, I have a highly customized CZ TS that I have been using for a while and the difference in the performance is shockingly small. There's a reason Bob Vogel, Max Michel, and all of those other guys can absolutely burn down a course with a production gun. I spent too many years thinking it was the arrow instead of the Indian.


New member
I tried out the M&P 2.0 and while a nice pistol it was not for me. The reach to trigger was too short for me and then the trigger breaking way far back added to the problem and I was not able to shoot it well compared to my other compact pistols though I have larger hands.

As always it is best for anyone to try out what they are considering and then make a decision on what works best for them. Good news is there are a lot of terrific choices available these days including the M&P 2.0.


New member

Am I the only one noticing the similarity to software release numbers when it comes to guns?

Well version 2.0 is OK but just wait till you try version 2.1.....

Not a dig on S+W, just an observation. More a what's the big picture sort of observation.


New member
I think that's simply a function that designs evolve over time. Is there marketing to go with that? Absolutely. But there are still improvements as well.

Pistola Pedro

New member
Absolutely agreed about the trigger breaking too far back. I have noticed that being more consistent among the newer designs. Several of us in my shooting circle have concluded that it's a way to keep new shooters from having as many trigger jerking problems. I'm getting the Apex forward set to take care of that issue.

Yeah, I don't love that gun designs are being turned over so quickly nowadays.... Kinda makes it hard to trust a brand
I realize that you reviewed the 9mm compact. I have first generation .45c. has about 1700 rounds through it. It is all stock. It's a newer one, 2016.
How do you feel the 2.0 compares to the first generation later production guns?

Pistola Pedro

New member
Good question!
The stippling on these is far superior! Best factory grip texture I've felt. The new trigger is much improved. Less mushy and vague. I honestly don't know how much they changed the grip dimensions or spring tensions, but it handles better while shooting. It's better. That's all I got


New member
I realize that you reviewed the 9mm compact. I have first generation .45c. has about 1700 rounds through it. It is all stock. It's a newer one, 2016.

How do you feel the 2.0 compares to the first generation later production guns?

Personally I don’t think the difference is massive, but it is there. I talk about it in post #5 FWIW.

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New member
The one I tested had a trigger very comparable to the original. No noticeable upgrade, IMHO. But it of course was a sample size of 1 (on the 2.0). The grip texture is nice. But I've never had a problem maintaining a grip on the original. I like the 2.0, but don't see it as much of an upgrade over its predecessor, which I also like.