M-16 vs. Ak-47

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New member
Hey guys theres a lots of disscusion out there about both of most famous assaults which is better in this or that task. This one has that, while other has this, etc.
What do you think?

ohen cepel

New member
Sarajevo, I enjoyed my time there. Very good food! Vineteka and Pizza Uno, IIRC were great places to eat. Also, Van Gogh's maybe, I didn't like it much but others did.

To the question, for me the biggest difference as issued are the sights. I far prefer the M16 type sights and shoot them much better. Yes, the Ak can have the sights changed out, and a person who spent 20yrs working with them rather than the M16 will shoot them better.

However, last week, I had the 74 out to shoot next to a 16 and the 16 shot much better due to the sights. I am working on a scope for the 74 in order to see how it can really perform.

Won't get into all the other issues. In the end I think it's a toss up to be honest.


New member
Walk down the firing line at Camp Perry and see how many AKs you see on the line. You can wear mittens and not have to worry about running out of fingers.

I put on High Power and CMP GSM Clinics. GSM have a category called "modern military" where the AK can be used.

People do show up to the clinics with AK/SKS,..............ONCE.

It's more then sights, I've seen ARs and bolt guns in 7.62X39, none can shoot as well as the same rifles in 223.

There isn't that much difference in the Reliability between the too.

The triggers are better on the AR, and the sights. Another thing I like about the ARs, (the one thing I didn't like about M14/M1A) is without changing your grip, you can push a button and the mag falls out for a quick reload. The safety can also be reached without changing your grip.

As far as the ammo, besides the accuracy bit, I kept reading where the 7.62X39 out penetrates the 223. I did some testing using FMJs our of both rounds (M193 for the AR). In my steal pistol targets the 223 penetrated deeper then the AK round. When I went to heavier bullet for the AR it completely penetrated the steel plate, the AK round wouldn't.

You keep hearing the AK will shoot minute of man. I don't shoot people. but when I was shooting silhouette type targets I shot them from 300 to 1000 yards. Anything closer, 100 -300 was head shots.

Now I'll get flamed I'm sure, anything over 2 MOA isn't' "good enough" for me.

Now you're gonna get stories about GIs picking up AKs on the battle field forgoing their ARs.

NOT ON ANY PATROL I WOULD BE ON. I wouldn't allow it and here is why.

SGT - E5 - Army - Regular
101st Airborne Division

Length of service 1 years
His tour began on Jun 24, 1967
Casualty was on Dec 8, 1967
Body was recovered

I left out the name and panel number, but this is one of my friends listed on the Wall. Notice the MISADVENTURE part, its another name for 'FRIENDLY FIRE"

Nothing sounds like an AK but an AK, An AR/M16 sounds nothing like an AR, that young Sgt was playing with one he picked up and let loose a burst. You can't see all your people when fighting in a jungle, just after a fire fight if some one opens up with an AK you're gonna shoot back.


New member
I've never been in the military and am thankful for those who are, by which I am saying I have no battlefield experience with the two. I did however get to shoot an AK side by side with my AR yesterday at the range. I never really got all those folks who flamed AKs until yesterday. Based on trigger pull alone I will never own an AK. I also noticed that the AK seemed to heat up much faster that my AR did while running through a magazine full of rounds, keep in mind this is at a range that bans rapid fire.


New member
I've never been in the military and am thankful for those who are, by which I am saying I have no battlefield experience with the two. I did however get to shoot an AK side by side with my AR yesterday at the range. I never really got all those folks who flamed AKs until yesterday. Based on trigger pull alone I will never own an AK. I also noticed that the AK seemed to heat up much faster that my AR did while running through a magazine full of rounds, keep in mind this is at a range that bans rapid fire.

What brand of AR, barrel length etc? Same question for the AK. You could have shoot an LWRC AR and then put hands on a Century WASR and that would make the AR look like gold to an AK enthusiast.

I myself am a bit of an oddball I currently serve fulltime national guard but I personaly own AK's for there simplicity and CQB abilities as oppose to AR variants. Nothing wrong with either just a matter of preference. From what I hear Arsenal AK's are right up there with comparable AR's with accuracy.


New member
ugh...I almost grow tired of this question
an AK can breakdown into fewer parts, therefore many people claim the AK is simpler than an AR
on the other hand and AK requires a skilled gunsmith to do much of the work on them whereas an AR can be completely disassembled with little more than a hammer, a set of brass punches and a vice, therefore the AR is more home gunsmith friendly
the AK is less accurate than the AR even when comparing a 223 AK to a 223 AR but a x39 AR will also have minute of man even with the best of ammo.
AR parts are more easily obtained and stockpiled
most ARs are made 100% in the USA, I can only think of one AK that is not a Frankensteined import that is half import and half american parts and it's made by a less than reputable manufacturer(century international arms).
the AK requires less cleaning. however if you are shooting corrosive surplus ammo then you'll have to clean your gun after every use even if you only fire a single shot.
all of the guys that claim that an AK will never jam and an AR will never fire properly has never compared a bottom shelf AR to a bottom shelf AK. my AK(a WASR 10/63) wont feed worth a *%^* unless it is uses a specific type of magazine but my AR(DPMS) has never failed me once regarless of magazine, ammo, or insufficient lube. I would assume a colt or armalite would be even less prone to failure.
a lot of guys claim the AK is better suited for punching through body armor than the AR but the AR has green tip ammo for that.
a lot of guys say the ar is heavy and unwieldy but my AR with all of it's doodads and thingamabobs is lighter than my AK that I yanked the wood off and replaced with polymer. this is pretty much the gist of what you'll see on this thread before it gets too heated and closed by the mods
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New member
In Vietnam we were told not to use enemy weapons or munitions, we weren't told it was due to a sabotage operation called Project Eldest Son which was "spiking" Combloc ammo.
I haven't fired either in years, sort of like comparing the SMLE to the Ge98.
They both did the job, functioned the way they were supposed to. One reflects American ideas of styling, ergonomics, manufacturing, the other Combloc.


New member
Not this again...
You're asking black or white, apples or oranges... Each has their place and each has their own strength and weakness and neither is perfect.


New member
Get yourself one of each.

My AKM is a Chinese Norinco, my AR is a South Korean Daewoo.

Both are fantastic firearms.


New member
I have been shooting at local Highpower matches with a Reservist who has had two tours in Iraq.

In his opinion Russian built AK’s are good weapons. Sights are not that good as an AR, but Russian built weapons were reliable , required a minimum of maintenance. Accuracy was acceptable for a combat weapon. He said he picked up Middle Eastern made AK’s but they were not as reliable as the Russian.

For a personnel weapon he was buying a piston type AR, because it ran cleaner.


New member
I have been shooting at local Highpower matches with a Reservist who has had two tours in Iraq.

In his opinion Russian built AK’s are good weapons.

The question is, does he shoot a Russian built AK in his High Power Matches or does he shoot ARs.

Throwing rocks is reliable.

Willie Lowman

New member
Oh look. It's this topic again.


Baba Louie

New member
What do you think?
Each having certain limitations, they both work well enough for their intended users after a period of design evolution for each.

While I admire the modularity of the Stoner design and the brutal simplicity of the Kalashnikov design, I prefer shooting the AR platform due to the better sight picture. YMMV

Chiver's book The Gun, points out the design and construction philosophies being different for each, one a State supported team effort, the other a lone man working, hoping to get a contract; built by the millions for the State or made to order piecemeal. An interesting read.


New member
I took my ar and ak to a 400yard range shooting at steel human silohette(spell check!) targets. Couldnt consistently hit with my AR but my AK, wow, i was hitting very consistently. I sold my AR and bought another AK. Im not saying one is better than the other, but im saying the AK worked for me. I guess im not as skilled as many others are with AR's i tried adjusting the sights and it just wasent working for me. The AR is a beautiful platform, I want to get a AR-10 eventually. I was able to hit the 300 yard target with my buddies ruger 10/22 sbr silenced 22lr better than my AR15. Maybe i just had a junk AR.

As in opinions a lot of my military buddies (yes American miltiary) own AK's and prefer them over AR's.
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New member
lets take a Special Forces Green Beret with an M-16 and force him to battle a Spetnaz Alfa Group guy with his Ak-47 and whoever wins, we will dub thee better assault rifle!
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