LWS32 or Guardian .32 concerning recoil?


New member
As far as trigger feel and percieved recoil, which has less recoil and better trigger?
Hope I get some responses tonight, as I'm going to a gun show tomorrow.

Thanks for any input.


New member
I have two LWS32's. Great little guns. Triggers are very good. Recoil is there, a little snappy, but not bad or anything to worry about. Accuracy is very good, and better than what you'd probably expect.


New member
I own a Seecamp. My only experience is with my gun versus dryfiring the Guardian. My Seecamp has a slightly lighter, smoother trigger than the Guardians I've examined. That said, they are more similar than different.

Recoil in the LWS32 is mild. There isn't any harsh discomfort... nor do I want to shoot 100 rounds in it at a time. One hundred rounds BTW is, in reality, about what I shoot in a year in my Seecamp.

I agree with what AK103K said.