LWRC M6A3 in 6.8 w/Eotech XPS3-0 Range Report


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LWRC M6A3 in 6.8 w/Eotech XPS3-0 Range Report

For you New Jersey fans, this is a NEW JERSEY COMPLIANT RIFLE. The 'compensator' is permanently attached, the stock is pinned, and the magazine is a 15 rounder (NJ max). Search under my user name for other posts about this rifle if you'd like to get one.

Take a look at my non-scientific range report on my LWRC M6A3, 16" barrel, 6.8mm SPC (II) rifle -- note, this is a PISTON based rifle, using LWRC's latest tech (they recently began updating their lineup).

All shots (15 rounds) were made with me trying to hit the "X", not necessarily going for tight groups. I leaned my butt on the port wall and the foreward grip against the port bench, but I did not use any particular bench rest type setup. Sorry, I only have access to an indoor range, hence the lack of a distance shot that most of you would demand.

It is sporting the following:
(1) Eotech XPS3-0 Holographic Weapon sight (this is the new model... I ordered it in Feb2009 and it just showed up this month (Aug2009)).
(2) Eotech G23.FTS 3x Magnifier (this is the 2nd Gen magnifier on a flip-to-side mount, also new for 2009, but not as hard to get)
(3) Viridian Laser/Light combo, model X5L (note: green laser is closest to the barrel with the light portion below it); this is mounted just in front of the foreward grip
(4) LaRue foreward grip (comes with 3 bases; a stubby base, a flanged base and the standard one shown)

Here's the rifle:

Here's a close-up of the Eotech package:

... and here's the range report ...

close-up on the above...

I set the Eotech XPS3-0 red dot to be somewhat parallel to the bore... when I aimed, I effectively aimed about 1 ring up from the "X" to compensate for the vertical differential. The green laser 'dot' was similarly set approximately parallel to the bore. When I had both the laser and the red dot going, the laser 'dot' was touching the bottom of the reticle, when using the 3x magnifier. Granted, this isn't scientific, but I didn't want the two aiming devices zero'd at such a close range as that would have introduced a hell of a non-zero at any range much further -- hence the attempt at making them parallel to the bore with me compensating on each shot. Any comments on that part are welcome. [I suppose I could gently 'mark' the adjustment knob on the Eotech for 'parallel' and then again for a ~25yd zero if I really wanted to, I just didn't want to do anything too fancy on its first real outing.]
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New member
That is an awesome setup. I see on the LWRC website that they offer several variants, what's the main difference between the M6A2 and M6A3? How is the recoil on that rifle? Any problems? Cycling, ejecting, etc., etc.?


New member
I'm not savvy enough to tell you the differences between the two, sorry. I do know that the M6A3 was the first to get the new upgrades this year (carrier, plating, & revised piston I believe).

Recoil is completely painless and remains pretty much directly back; no surprise given the heft of the rifle itself fully loaded up. You could pop off rounds all day and not care (other than for the cost of the ammo, which at best so far is about $17.50 per box of 20 -- cheaper rounds are due out for closer to $14 per 20 soon, but I have yet to see them in stock). Silver State Armory (SSA) makes the 6.8 rounds I use and they seem to be THE place to buy from for this caliber. I have two other SSA loadouts (including a set that is 'combat' loaded) but have yet to try them myself.

In the 100 rounds I fired (40 the first trip, 60 this most recent trip) I haven't had a single malfunction of any kind. I've stuck with the factory recommended ammo (SSA) as I understand some other brands, especially Remington, don't load up their ammo enough for proper cycling -- it is widely discussed on 6.8 forums. Anyway, the only ammo I really see readily available in 6.8 is SSA branded anyway (http://palmettostatearmory.com/68SPC-ammo.php).

Cleaning this thing is super easy. If I wasn't strict about cleaning each gun after a range session, no matter the round count, I'd bet I could go 1000+ rounds before I had to clean this thing, easy.
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New member
That's great.

Here's my 6.8 I assembled from parts. I like the 6.8 SPC so far. It is currently shooting just slightly over an inch at 100 yards. I've been using mostly H322 and W748 with Sierra SMK and VMax. I'm sure I'll eventually find a load that brings it down.


6.8 SPC AR build

  • AeroPrecision Multi-caliber lower
  • Stag/CMT M4 upper
  • Badger Gen II TacLatch
  • RRA 2-stage NM trigger
  • VLTOR stock
  • WOA 18" SS SPR profile barrel and bolt
  • PWS FSC30 flash hider / comp
  • YHM front sight
  • Brownells HK-type rear sight
  • ERGO grip
  • Magpul triggerguard
  • MI low profile gas block
  • YHM FF rifle-length quad rail handguard
  • MI sling mounts
  • EoTech 511
  • PRI mags
Now it also wears a 4x magnifier and a CAA VFG and Surefire weapon light


New member
Very very nice gun JG.

The M6A2 has a shorter gas system. IIRC, the M6A2 has a carbine length, while the M6A3 has the rifle length gas system.

The M6A3s were the first to roll out with a one piece Bolt Carrier, whereas the M6A2 had the Bolt with a key on top. LWRC's slowly upgrading them right now, since the one piece bolt carriers require longer pistons.

The M6A3 also has an adjustable gas system--suppressed, normal, adverse...and something else i forget.

Finally, the M6A3 has the one piece gas block, machined out of steel..I think the M6A2 has a regular gas block?

I was about to buy two M6A3's in 14.7" PA myself, but my dealer somehow lost my order.


Couple of concerns I've had with LWRC:

1.) In 5.56, the rifles did not run reliably with Wolf ammo. For all their talk about reliability, not running with wolf was a big no no in my book. I've heard reports of Colts running reliably on Wolf...which leads me to...

2.) People would go to the LWRC forums and complain about the wolf reliability. People would snap back with "oh you buy a $2,000 rifle and then shoot wolf. you think?" But. On a rifle that's marketed on it's reliability, not running Wolf ammo is kinda shakey. Also...

3.) I know a lot of people are satisfied with their LWRCs, but some people came on to the LWRC forums and complained about receiver wobble. Guess what response they got again? "It's a combat arm, it doesn't affect accuracy or reliability." etc. etc.

I don't know, I figure some (not all, some employees were really cordial) LWRC employees should work on their customer service.

Back on topic: How's the weight distribution of the LWRC? How do you like the gas system?


New member
I believe it was Guns & Ammo that JUST did a report on an LWRC rifle, practically setup just like my own (similar Eotech XPS sight & magnifier), though I believe they were shooting a 5.56 version. In that article, the writer mentions a past history with LWRC (and how he found them cold) only to say that more recently they've been fantastic.

I can't talk to the history of LWRC, but I can tell you this thusfar -- everyone I've talked to at LWRC (and I had to place my order direct for my NJ build) has been fantastic. I combed over their forums as well and the current 'vibe' is nothing short of euphoric. The employees do read the forums and respond to concerns of customers -- their general answer seems to be "if something doesn't seem right, we'll make it right". That's the kind of answer I like to see and I've found nothing to the contrary to suggest they (currently) treat issues otherwise.

As far as your question regarding weight distribution, I'm really no expert, all I can say is it feels natural enough to me. Regarding the gas piston system, I've only shot 100 rounds total, and I've had no negative results as of yet. It's certainly a very very easy gun to clean and even after I shot 60 rounds in one trip you wouldn't know it by looking at the internals, as they remained very clean. I'm not ever likely to shoot 100+ rounds in a single trip (due to ammo cost), nor am I likely to not clean it after every trip, so I doubt I'll have a truly grueling test of it's ability to stay clean & functional without cleaning. Apparently, on the M6A3 ('3') I can adjust the piston system as needed if I was running the gun dirty (upping the pressure). I don't plan to do that anytime soon.

*edit addition: I browsed a little more around the official forums over at lwrci.com and read up on some torture tests being done to put the piston systems through a rigorous workout... 10's of thousands of rounds and the like... for my occasional 20-60 round weekends with this gun, I think I'm fine ;)
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New member
Someone PM'd me a question about the XPS + Magnifier setup. I figure it's worthwhile sharing it on here:

I was asked the following:
Q: do the Eotech XPS3-0 and Eotech G23.FTS magnifier line up perfectly out of the box or did I need to do anything to make them so?
A: referring to the HEIGHT off the rail, the XPS and the G23.FTS lined up perfectly out of the box. The G23.FTS magnifier comes with TWO bases, one of which is taller than the other (with separate screws to attach it). I used the standard base. The XPS only came with one base (well, it's not actually a 'separate item', so there ya go), and it is used as it comes. I do know that other spacers are available, but I didn't need them. I'd note that both units would cowitness the flip up irons if I used them as such.

Q: could I have placed the XPS closer to the magnifier and would it have made a difference?
A: as you can see in the picture above (2nd picture in my post, the zoomed in view of the setup), it would appear I could have placed the XPS one rail notch closer to the magnifier. When I lined it up, pushing it in closer was not ideal and would have made manipulation of the buttons more difficult (btw -- this is a key reason to use the flip-to-side mount that comes with the magnifier -- so you can flip it out of the way to turn on/off & adjust the holo-sight). As far as any affect on the utility of the holo-sight that one notch farther out, I doubt it makes any real difference; if someone knows better, let me know.

I'd add the following, with regards to the mounting of these two items -- had I shown them from the other side, you'd see how they attach. For the XPS, you can drop it onto the rail (you don't slide it on) and tighten the large thumbscrew shown on the side in the picture. For the magnifier, on the other side (not shown) there is a LEVER you flip that closes the mount onto the rails (it is adjustable).
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