LW 38 snub

#1 Moses

New member
Have been kicking this around for weeks. Went to a local gun show last week end my brother in law bought a new S&W 642 Seem ok $430.00 plus tax and papers. i had my eye on a S&W 638 Bodyguard but couldnt make mind up went home empty handed, Then the search S&W every 38 special model Taurus every single 38 special model Enought to drive a guy loonie. All notes taken in a note book with specs local dealer and prices. But Today the pistol was found ! eurika! a special run of S&W 360 No lock with a combat grip and boot grip black Scandium alloy frame and carbon steel cylinder 13.3 ounces local dealer has them for $500.00 so thats me a few bucks more that the others but Im sure i will be happy with it after all the research. Told this is a special edition? maybe S&W # 163060


New member
It's hard to go wrong with a Smith & Wesson revolver.

The one that suits you best is the best one; whichever that is.

I wear one pretty much always, and never had a problem with it.


#1 Moses

New member
placed a order today

got that S&W 360 38 Special deal from buds today $409.00 with fre shipping even with 3% credrit card fee anf ffl and pa sales tax I out the door for $ 465.81 way cheaper that the $500.Bucks i was going to pay plus sales tax and paperwork. Happy Thanksgiving Me Me! & to all of you and you familys. A special thanks to our Guys & girls in uniform all of the world keeping us free God bless them All!