lubing up yer ram


New member
I have gone the gambit looking for a lube that would go for the long haul.

I tried synthetic oil but it seemed to dissipate or migrate from where I had applied it.

Finally I considered using moly based grease. I happened to think about the Honda moly 60 paste which I have used on final drives on motorcycles. Reputably this Honda 60 pastes has more molybdenum then any other lube/grease on the market, 60% moly hence the name.

Since applying this product to my press ram I have felt a considerable smoothness.
I still lube the pivots with synthetic oil where the application of this product is impossible but it sure has made a different with the smoothness of the ram!

Should be available at any motorcycle dealer, From what I have read this lube is the standard across the board for final drive units by every manufacturer.

hope this helps.........



New member
Two questions:

-without a grease fitting how do you get the grease to coat the length of the ram in the press bushing?

- I collet a lot of carbon/grit on my press since I deprime everything on my Rockchucker. I can flush it out with 30 wt oil. How do you flush out the "crud" with grease?


New member
I too use a Honda product to lube up my ram, but it's not their moly grease. (come to think of it I rarely use the Moly lube at work either, never cared for it.)

I use Honda's High Temp Urea Grease. That stuff is slick as owl.... you get the picture.

I normally wipe down my ram and relube every month or so to prevent buildup of crud.

Blue Grass

New member
About every 3 months, I tear my old Rock Chucker apart and wash it out in the solvent tank. I lube everything with white moly spray lube and reassemble. Has worked for me for years.


New member
clean up with a rag & mineral sprits , then lube with 3in1 oil .
My presses range in age but I have a RC that was cast in `73 & is still very happy !!!!


New member
Since I started decapping on a cheap Lee C press with a universal decapper and then tumbling my cases before loading, I am not getting any crud on my good presses. So, then something light like FP-10 works fine for them. I don't worry about alignment in the Lee C press.



New member
Ram lubricant

With the ram moving up and down, any lube. will disopate fairly quickly.
I use Petroleum Jelly or silicone lube.


New member
i lightly applied the moly to the ram by hand. a little goes a long way! the little excess was wiped off at the base.
the dirt and carbon from decapping, is deposited into the hollow ram and falls into the catch tube beneath.

this honda moly 60 product is designed for final drive units and seems to stick very well onto the ram. i clean and relube as needed.

thanks for all the tips......
