Lube the lever primer arm?? - Lee Classic Turret Press


New member
Should one lube the lever prime arm on the classic turret press? I found it likes to annoyingly stick every once in a while in the "priming" position even through multiple strokes. Makes it fun if you don't catch it before depriming the next case.

Any tricks to making sure it always falls free? I shot a bit of rem-oil in there and it got a bit better.


New member
Mine used to stick once in a while but I find the more I use it the better it works. I have never lubed it.


New member
Lubing it makes it worst almost. it gunks up from the deposits coming out of the spent primers. Like said earlier the more you use it the better it gets, it could be gunked up clean it out with some gunsrubber, or similar solvent it worked for me. make sure u clea the shellholder too, sometimes that gets gunked up as well



New member
I found that the edges on the body of the primer arm (large & small) had a little flash on them and I deburred with a stone.. never has stuck and I do not
lube other than a light coat of Rem Oil when changing them.


New member
Thanks for the responses... I was concerned using anything for fear of the gunk buidup. A bit of the wimpy rem-oil did seem to help it from sticking, but it did seem like it wasn't smooth to flip around.

I'll give it a thorough cleaning anda look with some emery paper in hand. Can't hurt to polish that area up some... Thoughts before I screw something up?


New member
Take it out and check for any flashing on edges and file away if found.
Degrease completely with something like Gun Scrubber.
I shoot some degreaser down the priming ram interior to get any gunk off the inside of the ram where the lever mount. Blow dry with air.

If you wish, you can rub a little powdered graphite on the surface of the lever arm. Replace and it should be good to go.

Lots of crud comes out of cases when decapped and resized and any oil/grease in the lever arm area will eventually build up and cause erratic movement.

Be sure to lube the outside of the ram from time-to-time with 30W oil.
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